A Clean Classroom

I have boxes of cereal in my cupboard that have been there for at least 7 months. There, I said it. Oh, I see you making that squishy face at the thought of cereal so stale it could be used for road construction. But we all have our things! Maybe your bathroom vanity is filled with never-used lipstick samples from 2010. Or maybe you have a collection of milk in the fridge that is this close to being a solid instead of a liquid.

And just maybe you have some areas of your classroom that need spiffing up. I always did. So today I’ve put together my top cleaning tips, including one fun chant that I threw in just because IT’S SO STINKIN’ CUTE I CAN’T STAND IT!

So it isn’t quite time for spring cleaning yet, but maybe we should all get an early start!


                                                                                                                                                  Click here for a tip that will help remove crayon marks from desks and tables!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Click here for an idea that will prepare students for cleaning the classroom.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Click here for that STINKIN’ CUTE CHANT!


2 thoughts on “A Clean Classroom

  1. Very cute chant! 🙂
    I cannot stand a messy classroom, so I pay $85/month for a storage unit. I have so much stuff for all of my thematic units, I have no room for all of it at my house or in my classroom. It’s a headache, but it’s totally worth it to have a clean room. And I want my students to have all of the activities/manipulatives they need for each theme.

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