A, B, C, Teachers!

A is our appreciation of you,
B is a resounding “Bravo for you!”
C is our congratulations to you!

I’m sending along continued well wishes for a fantastic Teacher Appreciation Week from your peeps here at The Mailbox. We know that whether this is your first year teaching, your last year teaching, or a year somewhere in between, you’ve devoted infinite amounts of time, energy, and emotion to educating and nurturing the students in your care. And for this, we thank you, thank you, thank you!

So what’s going on today at The Mailbox blog? Well, I have a question for ya! Leave your answer on this blog before midnight EDT, May 11, and your name will be entered in a drawing for a “pamper” kit—and I’m not talking diapers! 🙂

What grade in elementary school was your favorite?

Tell us why too!

Congratulations to Maryb! She’s the winner of our giveaway!

32 thoughts on “A, B, C, Teachers!

  1. My favorite grade in elementary school had to be either 1st or 3rd. That is when I had my two favorite teachers, plus I had many of my friends in my class those years as an extra bonus!

  2. I think my favorite grade was 7th grade because we were in a 1st-8th grade building and we got to go down and work with the little kids during lunch recess. Sometimes we could take them for walks around the block. A great experience for kids that wanted to be teachers!

  3. My favorite grade was 5th grade and it was because I loved my teacher, Mr. Walker. He made learning fun. Even though I didn’t understand it at the time, he cared about all of his students and made our class feel like a family. I reconnected with him shortly after I became a teacher and I know that it made both of our days!! He has since passed away but I will always remember him as my favorite teacher.

  4. How do we claim our $5 from the other day?

    My favorite was 4th! First year with a male teacher, scared to death, ended as the greatest year! Bless him!

  5. My favorite grade was 4th because of Mrs.Odom and Mr .Franklin.They made learning fun!!I never read or see Legend of Sleepy Hollow that I do not think of Mr. Franklin.

  6. My favorite grade was 1st grade! I looked so forward to having that teacher and learning how to read! 🙂

  7. Third grade was my favorite. I loved my teacher and wanted to be just like her! That was the year I decided I wanted to be a teacher!!! :o)

  8. Thanks for asking about the $5 coupons, Danielle. The coupons will be emailed to participants soon after May 12, the final day of the giveaway.

    I’m also lovin’ these comments! I think my favorite teacher was in third grade . I still remember clutching the classroom door frame when my mom came to take me to the eye doctor. I did not want glasses, no, no, no. My third grade teacher, Mrs. Fuller, was so reassuring and when I did show up with a pair of cat eye specs she made sure everyone knew that she thought my glasses were the finest! 🙂

  9. I loved my second grade teacher Mrs Regetz. She was so inspiring and taught me to love books. She is the reason I went into teaching. I loved being in second grade because of her she was so much fun.

  10. My favorite school year was 6th grade in 1963. My teacher was Mrs Cantrell and she was wonderful. Every day after lunch/recess, she would read a chapter in a book to us. We were allowed to lay our head done on our desk, if we chose, and listen to her read. Fifty years later, I still remember her reading of ‘Charlotte’s Web’. To this day, I still can hear her voice and I get a warm fuzzy feeling with thoughts and pictures in my mind of her when I have watched Charlotte’s Web with my children.

  11. My favorite year was 4th Grade, and it wasn’t until years later that I could tell you why. When I was out of elementary and my siblings also my mother went to work at that school in the front office. My 4th grade teacher brought to the school Authors In The School and the highlight of that era for me was meeting Tomie DePaula(sp) Now, I have many favorite children’s authors, but that era and that experience impacted the way I reach out to children through literature.

  12. I would have to say 1st grade. I had a teacher that was very caring and showed her love for all the students in my class.

  13. My favorite grade was 4th because we were part of a reading pilot program and moved to another room for reading. It was an ability level approach and we got to have a Spanish lesson one day a week.

  14. My favorite grade in Elementary School had to be 5th. I had a wonderful teacher for Science that made things interesting and exciting!

  15. Kindergarten was my favorite grade! I had 3 wonderful teachers!!! (Maybe that is why I love teaching Kindergarten!) 🙂

  16. Sixth grade was my favorite–I had the MOST wonderful teacher. His name was Joe Capitano and he inspired me to become a teacher myself. I had always wanted to be a teacher…but he sealed the deal.

  17. I think my favorite grade was 1st. I loved my teacher, I thought she was beautiful. I learned so much that year. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a teacher.

  18. My favorite grade was 3rd grade. My family moved in the middle of the school year from Texas to New Mexcio. Mrs. Hurley helped me feel welcome and made the transition so much easier.

  19. Third grade was my favorite. Almost 50 years later, I still remember the teacher, the clothes she wore and looking out the window to see the bridge open over the river. I also learned a lot.

  20. Kindergarten for me, mainly because of my teacher. I’m 52 years old now, but I still remember how she made me feel I was important and special to her.

  21. My favorite was kindergarten. My teacher Mrs. Hamm mad me want to learn and come to school everyday. We had so much fun! I learned to read that year and it was so much fun!

  22. My favorite year was 5th grade. Our teacher made us feel like “big kids” because at lunch recess we didn’t have to go outside if we didn’t want to, we could go back into our classroom to chat with her, read books and even write on the chalkboard!!!

  23. My favorite grade was first…I had a wonderful teacher that taught us things in a hands on, fun way. I also remember that she has a huge prize closet that we could go to when we mastered a new skill (like counting by fives).

  24. I would have to say 2nd grade was my favorite. My teacher, Mrs. Adams, was the epitome of what a teacher should be! I will never forget being so enthralled with her and her elegance. One of my favorite memories was when she read us the book, Charlotte’s Web. Books = Love, from then on!

  25. My favorite grade was 5th grade. I remember my teacher taping news segments, educational cartoons, etc. and then showing it to us in class …. she stressed the importance of knowing what was happening, both locally and throughout the world. She also pushed us to read more (not just books, but newspapers and magazines as well) and she increased our stamina in reading (although I didn’t realize at the time what she was doing).

  26. 2nd grade was my favorite we had a wonderful teacher that not only taught us about math and English but also valuable life lessons on how to treat others with respect.

  27. My favorite grade in elementary school was first grade. I had a teacher named Miss Story and she made school so much fun!!

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