While roaming about on the Internet, I found this article about 20 indispensible high school reads. It’s an interesting list to peek at, if just to see which choices you agree with. Personally, I’m just glad they didn’t include any Faulkner on the list. I know he was an immensely talented individual, but Intruder in the Dust was like torture to me as a high school student.
This list got me thinking—what are your top 5 indispensible reads for the grade you teach? I taught young fives and kindergarten, so here’s my completely subjective top 5:
- Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
- Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
- A Visitor for Bear by Bonnie Becker
- Rattletrap Car by Phyllis Root
- The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone
It isn’t easy to pick just five! But give it your best shot—and make it truly subjective instead of choosing books you feel you should because of their classic status. This way, other teachers just might notice some books they haven’t experienced and give them a try. Aaaaand GO!
Great topic
Franklin Rides A Bike
Pete the Cat books
The Empty Pot
The Land of Many Colors
Enemy Pie
My 5 favorite children’s books.
No, David! – David Shannon
King Bidgoods in the Bathtub-Audrey Woods
Ball!- Ros Asquith
I’d Really Like to Eat a Child – Sylviane Donnio
The Rain Came Down-David Shannon
My top favorite are:
1. The Piggy in the Puddle – Charlotte Pomerantz
(I enjoyed reading this to my own children. I’d create different voices for the characters.
Unfortunately my library doesn’t have this book any longer, but thankfully I have a copy.
I still have much of it memorized).
2. Caps for Sale – Esphyr Slobodkina
3. The Snowy Day – Ezra Jack Keats
4. Rhyming Dust Bunnies – Jan Thomas
5. Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus – Mo Willems
My newest favorite: and Honorable Mention:
A Boy and His Bunny – Sean Bryan
Oh, this is going to be tough. Only 5??? 😉
1. The Rhyming Dust Bunnies – Jan Thomas
2. David Goes to School – David Shannon
3. I Was Walking Down the Road – Sarah Barchas
4. Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea — Jan Peck
5. The Winter Picnic – Robert Welber
I could list soooooooo many more . . .