December is here! And that means your life is about to be busy and crazy. So when thinking about blog topics for this Monday, I decided you could probably use some super easy ideas that would make your December glide by a bit smoother. Check them out!
Do you need some easy and festive art for the hallway? Have students create a collage with colorful tissue paper. Then prompt them to top the collage with pieces of rope tinsel. The art will have an instant holiday feel!
The day before winter break begins, have students personalize a large paper grocery bag. When he is finished, each child places his bag beside his chair. Throughout the day, students place inside their bags bulky items to be taken home, such as projects and gifts. At the end of the day, each child grabs his bag before exiting the classroom. No more forgotten items!
Need a December center, nametags, cubby tags, or flashcards? Use these cards you can program online! How? Just click here. Then click on the print tab to the right of the cards. Type math problems, sight words, names, or anything you want onto the cards. Then finish printing!