The Highs of 2018

It’s the eve, eve, eve of 2018 New Year’s eve, or at least I think it is! In any event, in just a few days we’ll all be wrapping up 2018 and welcoming 2019. So before the new year arrives, let’s take a few minutes to share a high or two from 2018. I’m talking about the good stuff here.

I’ll go first, only if you promise to follow! For me, 2018 was the year of the bathroom. When I bought my home a few years back the bathroom off my bedroom was unusable. It’s an older home—that’s probably all I need to say. I now have my very own throne, so to speak, and it is beyond fab!

Now it’s your turn!

Please share a high of 2018.

Eager to hear from you!



6 thoughts on “The Highs of 2018

  1. As I sit here cleaning my desk, organizing my school “stuff” planning for the new year, I can look back on 2018 as a “PHEW I made it to June without going completely gray and keeping my sanity as well” to “What a great group of kids I have this year!” That’s why teaching is the very best, something different comes along every September!

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