The Heat Is On

I suspect that in every living situation you will experience a thermostat war at least once. My most heated experience (heated—do you see what I did there?) occurred during college when living with two other women off campus. We had noisy baseboard heat and two-thirds of us, including myself, preferred it to be cold in the apartment at night. The shivering one-third would creep past my room and turn up the heat, but the banging of the heaters would wake the rest of us up and we would turn it back down. Up and down, up and down we went until things came to a head and we told our chilly roommate to buy more blankets. I figure you can always put on more layers, but you can only take so many off. I’ve used that same logic with my manager when we worked in a warm office building. 


Prepare your students for their future thermostat wars with this activity sheet that helps them compare temperatures. 




P.S. Help build phonics skills with MY DECODABLE READERS, part of the Crabtree Little Honey imprint. They’re written to engage beginning readers and include activities to increase comprehension. 



Thermostat Image Credit:

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