What do 30 glue sticks, an adorable stuffed toy bulldog named T-Bone (that is longing to become a class mascot!), and a bright orange Mailbox bag have in common? You guessed it! They are mine—but not for long! They’ll soon be on their way to the winner of this month’s First Friday giveaway. To enter…
Can You Teach Yourself to Become a Morning Person?
Believe it (or not)—there are those who think a person can be taught to be a morning person. I suppose if we can teach children, we can teach ourselves to hop out of bed in the wee hours of the morning! Here are five suggestions I gleaned from online articles. Think these will do the…
Summer Bucket Lists
Since today is the first official day of summer, let’s talk summer bucket lists! Every teacher I know has a list of things he or she hopes to accomplish during the summer. I have one. You have one. My list isn’t written down anywhere; it just rocks and rolls in my head. Colleagues of mine…
Purr-fect Pick Me Up!
I love it when I find an idea for good health that I can actually succeed at. I applaud you if you are one who drinks beet juice and fills your plate with kale, collards, and mustard greens. Would you believe I’m actually allergic? Okay, perhaps I’m stretching the truth a teeny bit. I’m not…
Fave Blogs from 2015
So which blogs did ya’ll like most this past year? Well, I’m just about to tell you. With a big help from Eric, our behind-the-scenes digital guru I have a list of the most popular blog posts from 2015. So what were the hot topics of the year? Take a look! It’s definitely a smorgasbord…
Are you familiar with DEVOLSON? It’s a teacher-created acronym describing what is often a season of disillusionment for teachers. The acronym stands for Dark, Evil Vortex of Late September, October, and November. It’s real. I’ve lived it. It’s when the fresh start of a new school year, along with the personal goals you’ve set for…
School Superheros
This week is American Education Week. The weeklong celebration spotlights public education and the village of individuals who work tirelessly to make sure all children receive a quality education. Events are slated for each day of the week. Tomorrow, parents are invited into classrooms to experience what a school day is like for children. On…
Stop What You’re Doing!
I’m not one to order people around. However, I’m making an exception today. This is an order for every teacher reading this blog. Grab a mirror, look eye to eye with the teacher in mirror, and say these words: “You are making a difference. You are appreciated.” Then give yourself a hearty pat on the…
First Friday Giveaway
Is that a gift card? It sure looks like a gift card. And check out the adorable monster pail and supply of scrumptious candy corn. Yessiree, it’s the first Friday of the month and this means it’s time for a giveaway here at The Mailbox Blog! Hooray! Now you may not be aware that in…
Well, I’ll Be!
My backyard mystery is solved! I’ve been stumped for a few days—okay, a couple of weeks. When I leave for work, the gate to my backyard is closed. When I return, the gate is open. I examined the latch. Nothing wrong there. I inquired with the neighbors. No clues there. This weekend, I caught the…