Last week, I wore my shirt inside out for half a day. Embarrassing! The week before, I came to work minus my make up—I noticed at about 11:30 when I visited the restroom. Frightening! Last night, I innocently went to care for a kitty whose dad was supposed to be out of town, except the…
Going to the Gallows! Yippee!
My previous post was about one kind of humor—the lighthearted humor or inside jokes you can use in an established classroom setting to get students feeling comfortable and open to new ideas and new learning. Today’s post is about another kind of humor—gallows humor. The definition of gallows humor from Merriam-Webster online is “humor that…
The Importance of Being Funny
Laughter is the best medicine. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that expression, I’d be able to hire every stand-up comedian in America and have nightly performances in my living room. I’d never get sick or even grow old. Laughter is also a great prescription. Studies show that laughter, almost universally…
What Traits Must a Teacher Have?
Without a doubt, the place where I failed most spectacularly as a teacher was at the corner of Organization Street and Process Avenue. I’m sure there were days when my students didn’t know what to expect from me; however, the work we did was consistent and the way in which we approached it rarely veered…
Dr. Strangeteacher
Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Be Silly. Sometimes a different teacher needs to show up to your class. She looks like you. She talks like you. She has the same keys to the classroom door and even dresses in the same outfit you‘ve been wearing for three years. But she’s not quite…