I don’t like coffee. I should clarify. I do like a toffee hazelnut latte with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. But that’s dessert, and by the time you add all that sugar, I’m not really sure it can be called coffee anymore. I can’t drink diet soda, so I started drinking regular soda in the…
Recharging Dead Batteries
The world is a strange place indeed. One person’s morning pick-me-up is made of hot water filtered through finely ground, roasted (i.e. burnt) beans. Another person prefers hot water filtered through dried leaves. Still others crack open a can of carbon dioxide–infused water and corn syrup for their morning pick-me-up. I always smile when I…
Mr. S. Is Here
Each summer, as the calendar quickly slipped its way toward the second half of August, time neared to gather my personal effects and bring them back to school. I had a small box with the personal items I liked to have on my desk. Foremost among these items, besides a few photos of family, was…
Sleep Patterns Revisited
Several weeks ago, I first reached out to the Upper Grades Exchange readership with a question about your students’ sleep patterns. Specifically, do you think your students are getting enough sleep? Do you have students who arrive at your classroom door in the morning consistently looking like they are sleep deprived? Let’s face it: many…
Morning Motivators Book Giveaway
Beds. Every year, some mattress manufacturer comes up with a new way to make our beds more comfortable. We were once encouraged to sleep on mattresses filled with water. Drifting off to sleep took on a whole new meaning. In this, our Information Age, many of us have bought into the idea of sleeping on…