Superheroes can jump, twist, bend, and stretch when they’re fighting bad guys. Superhero teachers have to be flexible in different ways—ways that can often make you feel stretched way too thin! Today’s giveaway can help with that. It’s a $10 gift card to Target! You can use the money to get some extra supplies for school. (Or a bunch of chocolate. In my opinion superheroes deserve chocolate.)
To enter, simply leave a comment on this blog by midnight, EDT, Thursday, May 7, telling me what school supply you’re running out of!
Does time count? Never enough stickers…
glue sticks!
I am almost out of my beloved post-it notes!!!
The school supplies I am running out of are Google eyes and Pom poems for art.
glue sticks
glue sticks
crayons!!!! Many missing colors in the boxes at this time of year.
Copy Paper
I am running out of markers for my students! And Crayons too!
Chocolate is my friend!
Markers,glue,post it notes,scissors and patiences!lol
Tissues…too many allergies here in NC.
Tissue paper never enough tissue paper 🙂
Glue Sticks! Always at the end of the year !
Disinfecting wipes and post-it notes
Glue sticks!!
Tissues! There have been way to many colds this year.
Tissues, crayons, & glue!
Pencils! Always need more , but also post it notes.
scissors! (mine are all dull because students decided to try to cut Popsicle sticks while constructing Oregon Trail covered wagons)
white board markers and crayons.
glue sticks and wet wipes
Playdough! Always dries out by the end of the year.
Tissues for all the little noses and crayons
Glue sticks! And a decent pencil sharpener would help!
Always running low on post-it notes and glue sticks!
Bright colors and pastels copy paper.
Glue sticks!
PENCILS!!! It’s like they are woodchucks! Now you see it, now it’s gone!!
Trying to hold it all together….scotch tape and glue sticks. 🙂
White board markers and notebook paper
I am almost out of glue, stickers, and glue sticks and the paint is looking pretty low too.
My 3 hole punch is broken…need a replacement!
I need sharpies. Go for one- either cant find one or its dead. Sigh. colored ones are the best!
Construction paper
pencils! I have a bunch of beavers in my classroom
At this point pretty much everything! Mostly paint and easil paper. We have 6 bottles of red and nothing else!
Post its. Love them!
Glue sticks and double sided tape! Thank goodness we are almost done with all our projects!
Kleenex and Hand Sanitizer.
i ran out of glue sticks and crayons several weeks ago–we had to bum some glue sticks from our neighbor classroom to complete our Mother’s Day craft 🙁
MONEY to purchase supplies! I have almost used up all my budget for the year! Fortunately, we only have about 2 more weeks left! As far as actual supplies, our markers are getting pretty bad.
I am running out of white board markers. It is too late to order from our local store with school money (they stop us early). Would like staples too! Thanks for asking about our needs.
Tissues….never enough
You mean besides patience, right? Cap erasers because my first graders demolish the one on the actual pencil within five minutes!
Xerox paper! Our school doesn’t supply the teachers and we have to ask the parents and then buy our own. Thanks!
Dry erase markers
Glue Sticks
dry erase markers, sharpies, crayola products and time!
Dry erase markers
Never enough Kleenex…but the kids really need expo markers for all the work they do on white boards!
Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer!
Stickers for art
Markers, dry erase markers and tissues.
Copy paper!
Post it notes!!!
sharpie markers
construction paper, especially yellow and blue.
Glue sticks and pencils.
Running out of glue and low on hand soap. But the students have lots of energy!
I am running low on Clorox wipes,construction paper, and pencils.
Post it notes, construction paper, glue, scissors
Definitely in need of one or two more boxes of glue sticks before the year is over!
Tissues and my class pencil sharpener just broke 🙁
Tissues are being used up fast and furious with the allergy season in full swing.
Pencils & glue sticks!!
EVERYTHING. . . . . post it notes, copy paper, dry erase markers, glue, but it is okay b/c the kids are excited this time of the year and they keep us going!!!
Most definitely pencils and post it notes!
Paint brushes and easel paper. My class loves to create masterpieces on the art easel.
After years of a seemingly endless supply, I am finally running low on pencils and markers.
We need more gluesticks!
dry erase markers, and pencils
Definitely dry erase markers!!
Copy paper
Card stock and markers!
Whiteboard markers!!! I never have enough!
Loose leaf paper!
Time…definitely time…and sleep…lol do those count as school supplies
Pencils, we go through them so fast in our weight room, with students having to fill out their workout cards, never have enough
wide tape; white out; pencils; composition notebooks
I’m running out of kleenex! The Texas allergies are completely overtaking my class (and my student’s sinuses!) Thanks for the help 🙂
tab flags and highlighters for marking up texts, tests, my schedule, and more.
I need more prizes for my prize box and crayons for my kiddos.
I am out of gallon and sandwich sized Ziplock bags!
Colored Paper (in colors other than brown or yellow)
Construction paper and poster paper. Never seem to have enough.
colored copy paper
We are running thru glue sticks, dry erase markers, classroom decorations for different subjects…
Glue sticks
I am running out of white drawing/painting paper, and I am totally out of velcro.
I am low on white drawing/painting paper, and I am totally out of velcro.
Running out of kleenex
I always run out of pencils and post its
Glue sticks and paper towels
Ran out of glue sticks a long time ago
Paper clips! I don’t understand how in the world for the first time in 8 years I have a sudden paper clip shortage, but my mini-hooligans (I use that term affectionately) have apparently been pilfering them all through the year. We’re down to just a few in the magnetic holder, and I’m guarding that baby with my life!
stickers, “good” colors of paint and paper, glue sticks
Scotch tape
masking tape, poster board
glue sticks
glue sticks
Glusticks, Kleenex, and pencils.
I am running out of a few things like kleenex, pencils, and notebook paper.
Laminating pouches
Pencils…I swear they eat them.
Colored pencils; ours are sharpened to mere stubs
Stickers. Googly eyes and pompoms
I am forever spending my last $10 to buy something for one of my students, so I am beyond stretched thin!
Crayons and glue sticks
A good book
I never seem to have a pencil sharpener that works well!! I am running out of pencils !!!!
Mr. Sketch smelly markers!
I have run out of masking tape, painters tape, and glue sticks!
Our tissues are totally gone. Ive ended up bringing my own from home for the class to use. Lots of spring allergies to contend with and paper towel is just too rough on little noses!
Glue Sticks!!!
Markers I can never get enough.
Water colors! We are all out and have 3 weeks left.
I am running out of everything it seems. The big items are pencils, erasers, and kleenex!
paperclips and glue sticks
Dry erase markers and hand sanitizer.
Glue sticks!!
I am running out of pencils and markers. They must be magic because they disappear from one second to the other.
Who couldn’t use some tissues, pencils, and teacher incentives!
dry erase pens
Where, oh where, have my glue sticks gone? Where, oh where have they gone?
Glue sticks and markers
I am running out of red correcting pencils and Expo markers!!
Glue, stickers, paper, 🙂