Don’t overlook penny power! With the holiday gift-giving season coming (take a deep breath; it’s still October for another day), it’s a perfect time to get your students thinking about money choices like saving, spending, goods and services, and careers. I’ve got ready-to-go resources ready for you!
What do I have? Free preschool activities that incorporate dramatic play, songs, and more. For grades K–3, download free Common Core skill builders to help you teach these valuable life lessons.
Since October and Halloween deserve one last hurrah, I’ve got a stash of four—yep, count ’em—four Halloween-themed books that one teacher will win. Simply post a comment on this blog by 11:59 pm EST Sunday, November 8, 2015, and tell me whether you have a class of savers or spenders for your chance to win these books.
In It’s Raining Bats & Frogs (Feiwel and Friends), a rainy day threatens to ruin the annual Halloween parade, so one little witch decides to make the rain a little more interesting. All things Halloween entertain a pup and a youngster while Mom is away in Carl’s Halloween (Margaret Ferguson Books). In The Fun Book of Scary Stuff (Frances Foster Books), a boy and his two dogs learn that even the most frightening things are less scary when you’re with those you love. Then two boys bring home a cool egg from a swamp in Scary Tales: Swamp Monster (Feiwel and Friends). What happens when the creature of the swamp wants it back? (Update: congratulations to Amber, who is the winner of our prize.)
Don’t forget to click here for your free resources!
Sending lucky thoughts your way,
Karen |
PS: Still have your lucky penny in hand? Click here for more great chances to win!
What fun books! AND I love having opportunities to win!! =)
Hmm, I’d say they are pretty equally divided between spenders and savers!
Having run the book fair for several years I’d say the majority of students are spenders, but there are savers among them.
My class is full of savers! We have a very large population of children living in poverty in our District and they really appreciate the resources provided at school.
My class has a few spenders but mostly they are savers which works well for them come class auction time where they can spend their classroom reward money.
Spenders most definitely. Especially lately I am hearing about all the Halloween spending. Hope the activities will teach them about saving some for a rainy day.
I love the books. I have a class of savers.
My class is full of savers! We have a classroom economy and they are trying to build up their checkbooks and save!
Our students loved to save “Pennies for Patients.”
I have a class of spenders they have such zest for life. They are always sharing what they have with others.
I like the “fun Book of Scary Stuff”. We do fund raisers for special topics at my day care. The children love to bring in their pennies. We collect over $800 in coins for one of the children’s walk.
I have a class of savers.
Spenders definitely, very eager to spend and show the others!!!!
I love see a penny, pick it up and I always do pick up every penny that I see on the ground!