Recess—Yay or Nay?

Here’s hoping your students will have recess this year. Maybe even recesses! I think brain breaks are a super idea, however should brain breaks replace outdoor recess? My vote is no, they should not. Brain breaks are fun and active, however most are structured. Recess allows for unstructured play time which encourages creativity and fosters social skills. Add in some fresh air and there’s a good chance you’re also minimizing the possibility of unruly classroom behavior.

I’ve worked in schools where there were designated recess times. I’ve also worked in schools where recess was at a teacher’s discretion.

What’s the word on recess time at your school?

Do you think kiddos benefit from recess?


Please share your thoughts!


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7 thoughts on “Recess—Yay or Nay?

  1. I believe that recess is very important and the children gain many benefits:
    Children are less fidgety and more apt to do the task.
    Children have more focused attention.
    They learn negotiation skills.
    They learn to resolve conflicts
    And get exercise,and more…
    So I definitely say YAY.

  2. Let’s see…do parents constantly maintain complete control over their children’s every nanosecond? Or could it be that sometimes they say, “Go play outside” or “Go play in your room”? If parents give their children some free time, shouldn’t schools? I mean, we are training these children to be self-sufficient, independent-minded members of our society, right? Of course, unstructured recess!!!

  3. We get two 20-minute recesses. Kids need to run and be loud. They need to talk and discuss things with each other. Fresh air is good for them.

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