The Starbucks I frequent is in a grocery store, the Harris Teeter, near my office building. (We affectionately call it the “Taj Ma-Teeter” because it’s huge.) Anyhoodle, I meandered in there during lunch last week to get a chai latte—I have a thing for chai lattes—and the place was swamped! Everyone was getting a pumpkin spice something-or-other. The couple in front of me actually posed their cups in an attractive manner and took a photo of their drinks. (Not to be snarky, but seriously?!)
Despite all the fun being made over people’s obsession with pumpkin spice, I love this season. And I really do love pumpkin-related stuff—like this pumpkin booklet that emphasizes high-frequency words, end punctuation, and adjectives!
We may not have pumpkin spice at The Mailbox, but we have lots of pumpkin goodies! CLICK HERE for more pumpkin worksheets, art projects, and activities!