Be Kind (Storey Publishing) features down-to-earth advice for kids on how they can be a little kinder every day. From reading to a younger child to sharing an extra smile, students will find that they really can help make the world nicer.
Want to take the challenge? Submit a comment to this blog to vow you’ll do one new, kind thing today. Not your usual, routine kindnesses, but one simple, special thing. (You don’t have to say what, just that you will.) Share your vow by Thursday, October 24, to be included in the random drawing to win this book. Good luck! Congratulations to Holly Baker, our lucky winner!
I think you’ll take kindly to this week’s great assortment of freebies:
Have you heard about buddy benches? A buddy bench is a place where kids can go if they are looking for a friend to talk to or play with. You could win a buddy bench for your school, along with a classroom set of Ready-to-Read titles and a Crayola classroom set of markers, crayons, and more. The contest is sponsored by Simon & Schuster to celebrate the new Ready-to-Read book Come Sit With Me: Making Friends on the Buddy Bench. Enter here (and check out the free downloads, too).
Get free activities for teaching empathy, self-awareness, respect, and more and enter for a chance to win a prize pack of 30 books perfect for fostering social-emotional learning, all from Disney Books. Head to to get started.
Mark your calendar: World Kindness Day is November 13. But you can teach kindness any day with free activities from the Kindness in the Classroom curriculum. Download it at
I’ll be the first to take the vow to do one simple, special, kind thing. I’m not telling what, but it might involve brownies….
Karen |
PS: We have new prizes! Look!
I brought lunch for the rest of the staff today.
Send a card to cheer someone up.
I put a surprise on a colleague’s desk today. She has a tough class and needed a treat.
I vow to do an act of Kindness today.
Thank you for this challenge! I will vow to do additional acts of kindness today!
I vow to do at least one new kind thing today.
I appreciate the challenge…I will specifically do something “extra” kind today. 🙂
I vow to try to do one kind thing every day.
I vow to do an act of kindness each day.
It’s been a tough morning but I vow to be kind this afternoon and to do a random act of kindness each day.
I will do a kind act every day.
Helped someone at the grocery store. Opened a door for a handicapped person. 🙂
Helped with bus duty even though my students do not ride the bus. I will continue to do this as often as I can.
I helped a friend with her child today. Looking forward to this book!
I will say encouraging words to coworkers.
I will do random acts of kindness!
I vow to do extra acts of kindness each and every day.
i vow to do a random act of kindness today.
We have been discussing kindness in the Grade one class I am in. Working as an EA I find myself doing kind things for students every day. Being kind is a win win situation for everyone involved. KINDNESS MAKES THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!
I vow to do one new, kind thing today and every day. Looking forward to using your book to spread the word.
I vow to do at least one new, kind thing today.
I show kindness by sharing books and Lesson Plan ideas with my co-workers>
I vow to send a card of encouragement today.
I thought of my team and bought us all the same wall decoration.
I vow to do an act of kindness today. And, I try to do at least one act of kindness every day.
Secret kudo notes are always appreciated.
I will share a smile and say hello to someone I don’t know.
I vow to create at least one act of kindness each day!
Let someone in front of me in line as I run errands.
I went to pick up 2 coworkers that were out walking because it started to rain.
I’ll do something kind today! (Well, ANOTHER something- I just offered to help a coworker.)
I vow to show more kindness to people who aren’t always kind to others.
I will do a special kind thing today and encourage my students to do the same next week!
I plan to teach my son positive affirmations and repeat them to him every day so that he might start to believe them!
I encourage my students to do random acts of kindness every day. Because I’m at a school with high poverty (99% free & reduced lunch) I try to focus on things they can do in everyday life that don’t cost much – holding the door for someone; saying something kind; writing little notes to give to others. For myself, I like to pay for the person behind me at Dunkin’ Donuts on occasion and similar things where I don’t expect anything in return. This week, I’m going to focus on finding something positive to say about each of my students and telling my son how proud I am of him!
Start a kindness pay-it-forewarn among school staff.
I vow to do an act of kindness each day!
4 days a week I help out with the afternoon dismissal, even though it’s not my “assigned” duty. It’s fun to watch the older play with the youngers and I have flagpole duty to make sure no one goes crashing into it.