Good Timing: Contests for Students and Teachers!

The season’s first snowfall came on Saturday, just in time for our city’s holiday parade. What luck! Beautiful white snowflakes started drifting down moments before the parade began. I’m in North Carolina, so besides being the first snowfall of the year, this may have been the season’s last snowfall as well. We’ll see!


To celebrate the snow, I’m giving away my copy of Willow and the Snow Day Dance, new from Sleeping Bear Press. To enter our random drawing, submit a comment to our blog to let us know which of this week’s featured contests you’ll be trying out. And if you let us know whether you’ve had snow in your area, I’ll throw in a few other books as a special bonus. Submit your comment by midnight EST on Monday, December 13, 2010! (Update: Congratulations to Debbie R., who is our winner!)


Are your students enthusiastic about boating, fishing, and other outdoor recreation? Then be sure they enter the essay contest from Explore the Blue! Students in grades K-5 are invited to write a short essay about one of their boating or fishing adventures and why protecting and conserving our waterways is important. The winner receives a family vacation at Yellowstone National Park plus a $250 gift certificate from Sports Authority to buy gear for the trip. Five second-place winners will receive $100 Sports Authority gift certificates. Essays must be submitted by the student’s parent or guardian. The contest ends January 31, 2011. Visit for details. While you’re there, check out the free activities for teaching about conservation, aquatic habitats, and more. Click here now!


Your young artists will want to know about a new contest from two American Heart Association programs, Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart. Students are invited to submit designs for the new program T-shirts. Designs are due by January 21, 2011; after that, kids all over the country will vote for the winner! See the submissions so far and get all the details at


Here’s a contest for you: If you use MimioStudio software to create interactive lessons for your Mimio interactive teaching tools, share your work! One lucky K-12 teacher will win a trip to the Florida Educational Technology Conference, held in Orlando, along with a chance to present his or her winning lesson at the conference. Find out more at Entries are due January 7, 2011.

Hmmm, a trip to Orlando…that sounds pretty good right now. Good luck!


20 thoughts on “Good Timing: Contests for Students and Teachers!

  1. We have only had a dusting of snow so far – very strange for our part of Colorado! We’ll be entering the Explore the Blue contest!

  2. “Willow and the Snow Day Dance” definitely is on my wanted list. We’ve snow and below freezing temperatures in Lake Arrowhead, CA, and the students are fascinated to hear about the latest weather forecast!

    Mango Elementary always has the students jumping for ” American Heart Association programs, Jump Rope for Heart.” Our coordinator will be excited to hear about the T-shirt designing contest.


  3. It’s snowing in Republic, Ohio as I type. What wonderful weather to sit and read a good story to your kids! That’s why I’m hoping to win a copy of Willow and the Snow Day Dance.

  4. I do believe we will be entering the Jump Rope for Heart contest.
    We got just over 9 inches of snow from Friday evening into Saturday morning. It turns our area into a beautiful winter wonderland!

  5. Hi! I am an Education student in southern Wisconsin. We had about 3.5 inches of snow Friday night/Saturday morning. It hasn’t melted yet!
    I am letting my cooperating 1st grade teacher and my 2nd grade niece know about the ‘Explore the Blue’ and American Heart Association contests. Very exciting! Thanks for the info.

  6. I’m in Chicago and we got quite a bit of snow too my kindergarteners are so excited about it, but this is far from our last snowfall! We have already started making our snowflake decor and snowmen. It’s a winter wonderland in our classroom. Right now we are studying gingerbread men and winter holidays and they love it! It should be a great winter.

    I am definitely going to see who is interested in the American heart association contest too!

    Thanks. Happy winter!!

  7. We’ve had a few snowfalls already this year…along with the below zero temperatures! Brrr! Normal for Montana so Willow and the Snow Day Dance would be perfect for my class! Our gym teacher does Jump Rope for Heart so I’ll let him know about the T-shirt design contest.

  8. Well, we didn’t have any snow this past weekend, but we did have some hail! My students always do the jump rope for heart contest! Thanks!

  9. We have not had a snowfall in Arkansas just yet but it sure is cold enough! My students get excited just thinking about snow and can’t wait for that 1st snowfall! We do jump rope for heart in our physical educational classes too.

  10. I live in NC too! My daughter and I were so excited to see the snow on Saturday! After “dusting” the ground, it soon melted away. I hope it is not the only snow NC will see this winter! Merry Christmas!!

  11. I’m in Pennsylvania and has already snowed two or three times which is a lot at this time of the year. My kids were really excited and love reading about anything to do with snow. My kids are too young for these contests but ill be sure to tell the older kids in the school that I work at about the design your own t-shirt contest as we have some very talented artists in our school and I’m sure we will be doing Jump Rope for Heart

  12. Here in North Dakota we’ve had more than enough snow for making snowmen and “angels” on the playground!
    When it’s too cold to go outside,one of the favorite choices at indoor recess is reading. The kids have favorite pillows and books and read to themselves,a stuffed animal,or a pal. Your latest book about snow looks like a winner for winter reading!
    Thanks for all your great giveaways!
    Linda M.Erickson
    Grade One Teacher

  13. We may be getting snow flurries here today in south Mississippi! Snow is always a special treat for us, so our students are hopeing to see some flakes. The American Heart Association programs are especially interesting. I’m sure we can fit one of those into our busy schedules. Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!

  14. It’s chilly biscuits here in southeastern North Carolina. We haven’t had any snow yet, but it’s cold enough to grab the scarves and toboggans for the road! I love the excitement of a cold, blistery winter and I love conveying the excitement of winter to all the children that visit my workplace. That is why I am looking forward to entering the “Good Timing” contest. I am sure the children from our community who come to the Resource Lending Library would love to hear the story of Willow and the Snow Day Dance.

    Thanks for the contest opportunity!

    Lynn Leonard
    Smart Start Resource Lending Library,

  15. Here in Oklahoma it has been very cold but no snow yet. We will be entering the American Heart Assoc. Jump Rope and Hoops for the heart.

  16. We received our first snow just a few days before Thanksgiving here in Amarillo, TX and in some of the surrounding towns. We would love to have your book in our Resource Library as our funds are limited and we can’t afford to purchase new reading materials for our classrooms. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your contest.

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