First Friday Giveaway

gingerbreadCan you smell the gingerbread? Well, maybe not, but I know you can see the gingerbread goodies in the photo. And these gingerbread goodies could be on the way to you if you’re the lucky winner of this month’s First Friday Giveaway.

So let’s get right to it. To enter for a chance to win Jan Brett’s newly released Gingerbread Christmas and the adorable plush gingerbread man, leave your answer to this question below right here in the comment section:

What is your favorite holiday cookie?

Be sure to leave your answer before midnight December 12, 2016. We’ll announce the winner right here on the blog, and we’ll also notify the winner at the email address used to submit the comment.

Sure wish I could win!


Congratulations to Julie R., the winner of this month’s giveaway!

630 thoughts on “First Friday Giveaway

  1. My favorite holiday cookie is thumbprint I am proud to say mine taste like my grandmother’s and it only took me 15 years to get the recipe right. Making thumbprints brings back great memories of baking with my children and waiting for the final taste test from my husband.

  2. My favorite holiday cookies are the Peruvian Alfajores-a thin sandwich cookie filled with a variety of sweet spreads,and Cuccidati cookies – Italian cookies filled with raisins,figs and walnuts,and also the French cookies with milk chocolate chips,nuts and raw brown sugar. I really enjoy baking!?

  3. We have so many family favorites when it comes to Christmas Cookies …
    but I think my personal favorite is New England Ginger Cookies …. ginger, molasses, and other great ingredients … YUM! The smell makes me think of Christmas instantly!

  4. Love “all” Christmas treats…’Tis the Season!…, but all time, number one love is cutout, frosted sugar cookies! 🙂 Thanks so very much for the opportunity to win this…what a great give-a-way!! Merry Christmas and thank you for all you at Mailbox do and share!!

  5. My mom and I would always make sugar cut out cookies and decorate them together. I lost my mom 4 years ago but this will always be my favorite cookie for that reason. When I make them know I get all sappy and try to make all my (6) kiddos help me so I can continue the tradition.

  6. My favorite Christmas cookie is peanut butter with a kiss on top
    But I enjoy decorating gingerbread cookies with the kiddos too!

  7. My favorite cookies are any that I bake with my first graders….especially sugar and cinnamon that we can decorate together.

  8. So many, it’s hard to choose! Maybe sugar cookie cut outs, so fun to mark with my kids, and good memories of making therm with my grandma when I was young:

  9. I think my favorite are Magic cookie bars. They aren’t traditional holiday cookies, but I used to only make them at Christmas.

  10. I started baking cookies with my great grandmother fond memories. Then continued with my mom and I had a tradition of baking cookies every year. Its so hard to choose just one. My favorite is Thumbprints. I love the jam and nut combination

  11. I’m not sure if this counts as a cookie, but it was always on our cookie trays, so I’m going with it! I have always loved the no-bake wreaths made out of corn flakes and have those wonderful little cinnamon candies on them for holly berries! My sister always made oodles of them for me!!

  12. My favorite cookie is a cut out peanut butter cookie. It took a while to get it right, but I like them better than sugar cookies. Sugared or iced, ir even plain, just delish.

  13. My favorite holiday cookie has to be the ever tried and true chocolate chip cookie. It is such a classic and hits the spot every time!!

  14. Gingerbread of course! Love baking them from scratch with my kiddos and decorating to make our gingerbread house and cookies.

  15. My all time favorite is butter cookies. I have the original recipe for the cookies that were sold at my high school 38 years ago. l.ove them to pieces.

  16. My favourite are gingerbread, dunking them in hot chocolate is the best pairing….used to be my favourite thing to do when I worked at Tim Hortons as a teenager!
    I also love short bread cookies! perfect with a glass of milk…yumm!

  17. My favorite Cookie is all the ones me and my family make together!! My family, my sister and her daughters families get together each year and have cookie night. We order pizza and bring all kinds of baking stuff and make cookies all evening long. It’s one of my favorite traditions we have been doing now for about 15 years!!

  18. My favorite holiday cookies are Italian spritz cookies. I have my great-grandmother’s recipe and I make them every year. They are amazing!

  19. My new favorite cookie to make with my VPK class is gingerbread boys and girls. We read about different gingerbread stories, we make and decorate gingerbread people and then go to put in the oven and they are gone(they jumped out of the oven) and we have to go on a hunt for them. The Gingerbread Christmas book would go great with the theme for the week

  20. My favorite Christmas cookies are my grandma’s sugar cookies with yummy icing and her gingerbread men. I don’t get to enjoy the ones made by her anymore, but I am so thankful to have her recipes to pass on to my children.

  21. My favorite Christmas cookies are butter spritz cookies. My parents bought me a cookie press a few years back so I can make them all year long!

  22. I love gingerbread cookies, nice crisp ones with enough ginger to make you take a breath! A good cookies, some hot tea and Christmas songs! I always start December with Gingerbread Man stories and activities.

  23. Mmmmm….. Cookies!!! It’s hard to choose just one, but my favourite holiday cookies are definitely sugar cookies! Not only are they super yummy but they are also a lot of fun to decorate!

  24. My favorite cookie is one my son “invented” when he was about 5. It’s called James special sparkle cookies. They are made with red hots!

  25. My favorite cookie is a butter cookie.. after it cools dip it in sime frosting and topped with crushed candy canes… YUM!

  26. Santa’s Whiskers! It’s a basic shortbread recipe with chopped pecans and maraschino cherries added. The dough is rolled into logs and the logs are rolled into coconut. You chill, slice and bake.

  27. Any cookie, it is very hard to pick, but I usually will take anything chocolate.
    I read a wide selection of gingerbread books to the students, we talk character, setting, refrain and ending. To complete this activity my students are treated to gingerbread cookies.

  28. Homemade peanut butter cookies with the crisscross from a fork on the top. Been making them ever since I can remember, me and Mom would make them when I was a kid. Now I try to bake with my five grandkids. Love it!

  29. My favorite holiday cookie is one that my grandmother makes and we call them ‘Aunt Sally’s’ it’s similar to a gingerbread cookie as it is made with molasses and it is an oval shape. When I was little she used to used a ‘Spam’ can as her cookie cutter but I’m not sure what she uses now. What really makes them special though is that for frosting she puts on a homemade marshmallow fluff icing. I look forward to them every year to this day!

  30. Gingerbread!!! We are doing a whole literacy unit on the Gingerbread Man. This would be the perfect addition!!!!!

  31. My favorite Christmas cookies that I make every year are Santa surprise cookies. They are mini snickers candy bar wrapped around peanut butter cookie dough. The snickers is all melted once the cookie is baked. DELICIOUS!!

  32. My favorite holiday cookies are gingerbread and sugar. If I did not won would you please tell me were I can buy the book and men. It would make a great christmas gift for my sister who name is ginger. You Can email be at this email [email protected]. Thank You Mitzi. Also I would like to get one for my classroom. I teach the toddlers and I know they would like it to.

  33. As a child my favorite cookies came from my mother’s copy of Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book (Yes, they spelled it “cooky,”) I loved the pinwheel cookies and the chocolate crinkles. As an adult, my favorite is gingerbread cookies because we take hours to decorate them. It’s all about the art!

  34. all butter shortbread! just butter, sugar, flour and a dash of vanilla extract! makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Yum! or as we say in Hawai’i, “Ono!”

  35. My favorite Christmas cookies are Italian biscottis – decorated in all kinds of shapes! Will always remember my mom making these when we were little (she passed away last year right before Christmas on the 18th).

  36. My favorite cookies are the ones I make with my children. We make and decorate sugar cookies every year because they are daddy’s favorite and Santa’s! 🙂 making delicious memories!

  37. My favorite holiday cookie is the gingerbread cookie, as long as it doesn’t get off the plate and run around. The gingerbread cookie is my favorite, because I love the books written about gingerbread cookies running around since I was a kid. And, I especially love those books that are written by Jan Brett.

  38. Me and my daughters have been making oatmeal raisin always during the break and its the tradition that makes these cookies special for me.

  39. I have fond memories of my Mom’s “nitey-nite” cookies! It was fun standing beside her as she made them each year.

  40. My favorite cookies are my moms Polish cookies that she hand makes and fills with strawberry perserves. It’s a Christmas tradition and it’s the best feeling ever. I also enjoy decorating gingerbread cookies.

  41. old family recipe called Cherry Chip Cornflake Cookies … we only make them at Christmas, but can no longer find the “mini” cherry chips, which made them much better ….

  42. My favorite cookies ever are Ginger snaps! So Gingerbread cookies are my favorite cookies at the holidays….with all the sweet stuff on them of course 🙂

  43. I love the sugar cookies my kindergarteners decorate themselves. They are always filled with creativity that is “outside the box.”

  44. I love “Lofthouse” cookies. Publix had them on sale right after Halloween and I bought the package of 18 and ate them all myself!

  45. Chocolate Oatmeal No Bakes that my Mom always made, they are so yummy and pretty easy. I have made them for years with my kids now 🙂

  46. I love peanut butter cookies w/kisses & almond crescents! They both make me think of my sweet Mom who is an amazing baker! She always made lots of cookies at Christmas.

  47. My favorite cookie is my grandma’s (both grandmas) cut out cookies. My one grandma would make them for Christmas and my other grandma would make them for Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Halloween (using the cookie cutters for each season). What made them the best is helping make them along side my grandma’s.

  48. Butter spritz cookies. The kind put through a cookie press. Great memories with my parents and siblings when I have those cookies.

  49. My favorite holiday cookies are shortbread butter cookies sprinkled with powdered sugar! That soft crunch and smooth buttery flavor are just delicious! They are also great covered in some milk chocolate! MMMMMM I think I’ll make some this weekend 🙂

  50. A coworker of mine some years ago made the best Soft gingerbread cookie, it was so good the best I’ve ever tasted.
    I also love Homemade buttery shortbread cookies. Mmm.

  51. Are double chocolate chip cookies Christmas cookies? If not, then soft chocolate chip cookies or soft sugar cookies or soft gingerbread cookies (in that order). I don’t like cookies that crunch.

  52. Nothing beats warm chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven with a cold glass of milk! Santa’s favorite too!

  53. My favorite are peanutbutter thumbprint cookies with a chocolate kiss on top. They remind me of cooking with my grandma as a kid!

  54. My favorite Christmas cookies are pepparkakkar (Swedish ginger cookies) that I make with a recipe handed down from my great grandma! Yum!

  55. I have2 all time favorites. Baklava and cookie cut outs. Baklava because my grandma taught me as a young child how to make these. It was a family tradition and continues to be to this day and the cutout cookies, starting new tradition with the grandchildren. I love the holidays and the many traditions you can start as a family.

  56. My favorite cookies are homemade sugar cookies cut out using Christmas cookie cutters, with homemade frosting and sprinkles on top!! 🙂

  57. Emily Elizabeth’s sugar cookie is my absolute favorite cookie. My kindergarten teacher read me the story & then let us bake and decorate the cookies. It’s a school memory that I cherish. (Ps. Yesterday my Aunt asked for the recipe- after she had misplaced it. )

  58. My favorite holiday cookies are the decorated sugar cookies. My children and I make them from scratch every year and they decorate them so sweetly. I look forward to making them each holiday season!

  59. My grandmas recipe for German Frosted Sugar cookies! They are absolutely delicious and addictive. I love adding the sprinkles when I’m done!

  60. I love the Neapolitan cookies my aunt makes. They are essentially a sugar cookie but she makes them tricolored and they are so festive!!

  61. Gingerbread has always been my favorites ! I make them with my grandson and my pre-k class. We do a gingerbread theme ,read the story and decorate them like the gingerbread baby !

  62. My grandma’s molasses cookies. She has been gone for almost 9 years now and I would give just about anything to be able to make cookies with her just one more time.

  63. There is a cookie my mom called Norwegian Star. It’s a press butter cookie with only a couple of ingredients but oh, so tasty!

  64. Mexican Wedding cookies, frosted sugar cookies, shortbread cookies and chocolate chip!
    Truthfully, all holiday cookies are a special treat:-)

  65. WOW! What a difficult question! Have I ever met a cookie I DIDN”T like. But, if I HAD to make a choice, I would pick oatmeal raisin cookies!!!

  66. My favorite cookie is whatever kind my daughter and I choose to create when we bake. They are the best because of the memories that stay with us. She would say hers are chocolate chip or M&M.

  67. From a young age, My favorite holiday cookies were frosted sugar cookies but since teaching a gingerbread man unit in kindergarten, decorating gingerbread cookies is a new favorite!

  68. My favorite cookie is chocolate chip! As a child we made these all the time. Now I make them with my own daughter! Baking traditions!

  69. Gingerbread cookies are my favorite. We have three generations of our family that get together each year to bake them. It is one of my most treasured traditions.

  70. My favorite holiday cookie is my mother cut out sugar cookie and then we decorate them as a family just like we dis as a kid.

  71. I love all kinds of cookies! I’m a big fan of peanut butter blossoms and Oreo balls! Crunch up oreos, make them into balls and dip them in melted chocolate. So good! You can do the same with peanut butter.

  72. My favorites are cookie balls (cookie pieces mixed with sweetened cream cheese, rolled into a ball, and dipped in chocolate!)! Yum! I also love oatmeal scotchies.

  73. I have heartfelt memories with my Mom’s Hermit cookies. They are molasses spice cookies. They were a recipe from a thick green Southern cooking book that my parents received as a wedding present in 1943. This was one many pages that were splattered with ingredients. You didn’t need to look at page numbers, just find the right spattered page. We have misplaced the book now, but some of the recipes had been written on cards. I love this cookie’s taste, smell, and the memories of my youth.

  74. I love 7 layer bars! They have all the favorites! Chocolate, coconut, nuts butterscotch all on a buttery graham cracker crumb crust! Yummmmmm

  75. Spritz cookies and cut out sugar or gingerbread cookies that we decorate as a family. The kids love all the frosting and sprinkles!!

  76. My favorite as a child were a brown sugar gingerbread mixture my aunt made every year. As an adult I’d have to say Resses. I love gingerbread too!

  77. My favorite Christmas cookies are rolled sugar cookies because I made them with my daughters. They picked out the cookies cutters to use and then after baking came the best part- sitting together and frosting them!

  78. My favorite is lemon spritz cookies shaped like wreaths and poinsettias. I have had them every Christmas since I was a child.

  79. My favorite cookie is the iced cut out sugar cookies that my daughters and I traditionally decorate on Christmas Eve after all the presents are wrapped.

  80. Gingerbread of course! We just finished the Gingerbread Unit with my 3rd graders and enjoyed gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate

  81. My favorite is called Melting Moments. It’s a melt in your mouth, frosted, almond-flavored butter cookie. Grandma used to make them. Now I’m a grandma and I make them for the whole family.

  82. My grandmother Hazel’s “Mother’s Cookies” – fun to cut-out, decorate & share! We honor & remember my grandmother, Hazel, (my two daughter’s great-grandmother & my seven grandchildren’s great-great grandmother) every December when we bake & decorate the “Mother’s Cookies” and “Rachel’s Gingerbread” cookies @ the Grandchildren’s Cookie Decorating Day. No better family & neighbor gifts around! Thanks for all the cookie love, Grandma Hazel!

  83. My favorite Christmas cookies are Russian Teacakes. At least that’s the name my mom’s Better Homes and Gardens cookbook called it 🙂 I’ve also seen the same recipe called Mexican Wedding Cakes. YUM!!!

  84. My favorite cookie that I make around Thanksgiving and make again, and again through Christmas, is a Chocolate-covered Raisin Oatmeal cookie. Fresh and warm from the oven – the best!

  85. Tough! Mine would have to be warm snickerdoodles with the cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top. Of course they go great with hot chocolate!

  86. My favorite Christmas cookie is a holiday-licious sugar cookie made from my dearly departed aunt’s recipe. It is the perfect combination of slightly sweet and non-greasy butter scrump-deliciousness (no frosting and no added sugar sprinkles also make them great for travel, gift-giving, or people who prefer not to have a sugar high). Plus we decorate them with Christmas colors using food safe paint brushes and an egg-yolk and food coloring wash (applied before baking). The decoration does not add flavor, but it makes each cookie appear like a hand-made, stained-glass, Christmas ornament when you use holiday cookie cutters.

  87. Getting together with my three daughters and Mom/Grandma to bake cookies each holiday season is my favorite holiday thing to do! We bake many varieties, but my all-time favorite are Chocolate Mint Crackle Cookies made with a holiday mint Hershey kiss in the center!!

  88. My favorite cookies are Teatime Tassies if someone is making them for me. My favorite cookies to make are peanut butter cookies, the ones with the criss-cross on top. I make them gluten free for my nephew, and they come out great. 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup of sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla, 1 egg, and a teaspoon of baking powder. Stir it all up and bake. Yum. Yum!!

  89. My favorite holiday cookie is one that we traditionally made all togethee. It is my Mom’s whipped shortbread cookies shaped into a ball with a candied cherry in the middle! My brother and I helped her make these from the time we were very young and it is a tradition I continue with my son and daughter who are now 18 and 19.

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