I learned something new about February this morning! We all know that the month is packed with celebrations and special events. And this February there’s even an extra day to celebrate—Leap Day on February 29th! What was news to me is that February is the only month of the year that a full moon may not appear. That thought just never crossed my mind. I’m guessing this is due to fewer days in the month. Unfortunately February 2020 is not one of those Februarys. There is good news, however, for anyone who notices behavior changes when the moon is full. This month’s full moon occurs on a Sunday. Whew!
Speaking of good news, you could possibly win 20 brand new gel-roller pins (in 20 different colors!!) along with a bonus erasable pen and five really cool books just by leaving your answer to the following question right here on the blog. Just be sure to do this before February 18, 2020.
If you could choose another month to have only 28 days,
which month would you choose and why?
I’m going with January. It’s kind of a long month in my book.
I would choose March to have only 28 days. It is such a long month as we do not have any extra days off before Spring Break begins on the 30th.
April, it would bring us closer to summer .
Wow, I was thinking the other way: months that need more than the days they already have been assigned. But I guess I may say January; it seems so long, so cold, so dark. I’d be happy if it were 28 days!
January! Up here in North Dakota our Januarys get to be very long!
Definitely January. Here in Michigan January is cold and gray. It seems to last forever
Yes, January. The Pacific NW is particularly dark, wet and a bit dreary in January.
I would have to agree with January- it’s so cold and dark, and I always want it to go faster.
January for sure! Super cold and dreary!
I would choose January too. So wet, so dark and last so long.
April even though it has 30 cause the less days in April brings me closer to end of school year in May
Janurary because it seems to drag on and on and on.
I would choose May to only have 28 days. This is our last month of the school year and I would be willing to end the month with the school year.
January- less cold months!
If I could pick another month to have 28 days it would be January. The winter months are so long it would be nice to have a few less days to get through.
January for sure! Especially coming back from winter break January just feels like forever and a day 🙂
I would want March to be shorter… too much rain and no breaks!
January would be the perfect month. It is cold and dark. If January only had 28 days we could get to Fr=ebruary quicker. I love February because of Valentines Day and my birthday!
September because it takes forever to get back in the groove after the summer.
I would have to say September. October brings the first hint of Fall in Texas!
January would be ideal—it is a cold, dark month.
January- it’s cold, dreary and feels extra long.
January- The longest month ever! 🙂
No doubt about it! January!!!
I agree with January. It drags on FOREVER!
Definitely January! The month that feels like 3 instead of 1.
April it seems to be the month that drags on for me. Every other month we have days off here and there but April is a full teaching month for me.
I would say January, because it was such a cold and dreary month. It felt as though it would never end.
August! It is so hot here in GA in August!! Brings us a few days closer to Fall!
Was just thinking January but everyone beat me to it…. so then I’d say September because the beginning of every school year is so stressful (even though it’s my favorite part of the school year cause setting everything up, starting fresh and new and just seeing all the students is fun!) but having it be a shorter month might make everyone less crabby and stressed.
January! It’s so dreary and long with no breaks since it’s after Christmas and before the busy month of February!
Definitely January! As a teacher It can be challenging to budget while only getting paid once a month. However, in my district we get paid December 15 and don’t get paid again until January 31st. It seems like January goes on forevvvver! I would love a short January!
I would have to say September. Getting the students into the grove of a new school year is often tough. Seeing a new month earlier might help easy this transition better.
January! Because it seems so long!
I would choose the month of January.
January because it feels like it has one million days in it!
I would choose November or January to have 28 days.
I agree with you! January!
I would want January to be 28 days because it is often cold gray month.
January or March definitely!!!
It was a long month with no holidays.
March, because it is the l o n g e s t teaching month! Lol
What if every month was only 28 days long …? If I can only choose one month, it would be May
January, because it’s too long….
January so winter would seem shorter.
I’m tied between May and September. Both are v-e-r-y long months!
January! It always seems 9 years long.
Definitely agree with January. Such a long month after holidays! Would be an amazing way to start the New Year!
I would choose January because payday seems so far away after all of the gifts from your November and December check.
I’m going to go with March! No holidays and less of a chance of snow days in March makes for an extra long month!
Could we take days off of January, March and April and add them onto June, July and August?
I would like to see that April have only 28 days. I work in Arizona and April is the longest month because we have school every day. Now to be honest, as of this school year we are only going to school for four days- Monday to Thursday. April is still going to be a long month.
March. It is such a long month with no scheduled days off.
January. It is so cold and dark in Northern Minnesota
I would choose March because there are no breaks!
January, it was exhaustingly long and frustrating.
January! It seems like the longest month ever after the holidays!
May as by the time we reach it I am ready for the pools to open and summer to begin!
March. It just seems like winter wants to drag on.
January for sure!! It just goes on and on lol.
I’ll take a 28 day March please. Gets me just that much closer to spring ????
September. It goes by soooo slow! School is underway but Christmas is so far away!
October is a favorite month because of all the fun fall activities we plan for learning.
September it’s such a long month starting the year out and only 1 day off usually for us haha! :). Would love to have those amazing resources!
I would have to say January or March. March is long because there are no extra days off!
I would choose January because it is hard to return to school after the holiday break. It seems to last forever!
I would choose April because it would get us to summer vacation that much quicker.
January. It is so cold and long after December
September, it is only 30 days now and it would make the month go by, especially when school just started.
Either January or March would be fine with me.
I would’ve said January because it seems to be 975 days long…but I think it would feel that way even if there were only 10. March could be a smidge shorter.
November! Christmas will get here even faster!
I would pick May. The kids are very excited and can’t concentrate so it would be nice to get to the end quickly.
I agree, JANUARY!!!!
Soooooooooooooooooooo Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong!!!!!!!
March. It’s along month with no holidays.
January because I do not like winter!!
I agree with everyone on January. It is such a long cold month!
March, no holidays, mud season usually starts, it’s just such a long month!
March, since there are no breaks unless Easter is in March.
Definitely April! Students and teachers have worked hard preparing for the high stakes tests and once testing is completed, everyone is done.
January or March!
January or April. They are both months that seem to drag on endlessly!
It has to be January…. it is so long after winter break.
March would definitely be the month I would choose! It is way too long!!
March. Definitely the longest month and seems to last forever!
I would have to say January. I swear it is at least two months long.
January…it’s SOOOOOO long and cold!
Definitely January. It seems to go on forever!
January is too cold too wet too long.
As a retired teacher still subbing Reflecting on my teaching career, I would choose March. The last winter month but in NJ we still get snow❄️❄️
I am going with April because it is the month before school gets out and students are starting to get antsy with spring fever.
I would choose January because after the holiday craziness having a shorter January would be helpful.
January….because it is feels long!
Even though it’s my birthday month I would say July. It’s so dang hot here in the south during July! And I really do not like hot.
I would chose January because it the weather is always so topsy-tervy which makes it hard on the kiddos and on the staff. Also, it’s usually the start of flu season (especially this year) which means lots of make-up work.
I would chose January because it the weather is always so topsy-tervy which makes it hard on the kiddos and on the staff. Also, it’s usually the start of flu season (especially this year) which means lots of make-up work.
January!!! A few days…really makes the difference! One more day of indoor recess, one more day of being cold at car rider duty, and just a few less days to get closer to spring weather!!! Thanks for the chance! I can see my firsties loving these books & gel pens!
Any month that isn’t part of my summer vacation. ????
I think I have seen a lot of good answers bot the month they would pick… and I agree that Jan. is a dark and cold month most years. But rainy April is not fun either so I think I would pick April. That makes summer feel so much closer.
April,,, the longest time between Spring break and end of school in May!
So long and cold
I would choose May since the school year is almost over and students are ready for summer. Me too!
I would choose March! Long month in which we focus way too much on testing!
March…It’s going to be a looooong month!
January always seem so long
Definitely January!
I would choose May – closer to summer vacation!
I would choose March
January. Shorten the cold, dreary, winter month!!
I think I would pick May….long last month of school!
January for sure! Seems to be the longest month ever due to the weather plus coming off of winter break.
Definitely January! Too cold and too lonnnnnnng!!
January always seems too long.
Definitely January!
I’m not a fan of the February funk- 28 days suits me just fine.
January for sure! It already feels like there is 1286 days!
January…it was never ending this year
January to make it a shorter month and closer to warmer days.
January it’s too cold.
January because it’s usually dreary
I would choose January because it’s such a long, cold month.
January should only have 28 days because as it is it seems to go on forever.
I would choose October!
I’m not a fan of Halloween, but I’m sure my families could find a way to have fun outside of school hours????
January! It seems so long after the holidays. Anything to get us closer to the warm months quicker!
I also say January. It’s a very long month in cold New Hampshire!!!
March. There are no vacations and the month can be very long.