Do you find bugs “bee-autiful” or alienish? Or maybe, like me, you’re fascinated by them but from a distance? I have three bug-themed books that you could net plus free resources, help for struggling readers, and more!
Need Learning Inspiration? With Freebies, Contests, and Tools, We’ve Got it! Plus Win Two Books!
The return to school in January doesn’t have to leave you cold. Warm up learning with inspiring freebies: resources for Presidents’ Day, a session with a popular author, help connecting with middle-grade students, and more! Plus win two books!
No “Egg-scuses”! Get Free Teacher Resources and Enter to Win an iPad Mini
“Egg-citing”! “Egg-ceptional”! “Egg-cellent”! If you’re wondering “eggs-actly” what I’m going on about, I’ll be a good egg and explain. Enter to win an iPad mini and get free teaching resources!
Zoom In to Take a Close Look at Freebies, Prizes, and More for Teachers! Win a Book!
Take a closer look. What does an ant’s eyeball look like? How can a cauliflower help with math homework? Zoom in to win a book and learn about freebies, contests, and more for teachers!