Are You a “RAKtivist?”

I just learned a new word: RAKtivist. If you think the word sounds a bit like activist, you’re right. A RAKtivist is a person who spreads kindness through random acts (Random Acts of Kindness). That’s my kind of activist. I can’t fathom spending time in the slammer for spreading kindness, can you?

Tomorrow, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day. This day wraps up Random Acts of Kindness Week for 2018. This year’s campaign slogan is “Who’s Your One?” In other words, who is the one person who inspires you to be a better human being? I’m hoping you’ll leave your answer to that question right here on the blog along with one of your favorite random acts of kindness.

My favorite RAK is sharing a smile and a hello with others. My inspiration? I would say my mother gifted me with kindness and continues to inspire me today.

Kindness is contagious!


PS: Find FREE K-12 lesson plans titled “Kindness in the Classroom” at You’ll need to log in. Then simply click the tab that matches the grade you teach.

6 thoughts on “Are You a “RAKtivist?”

  1. My high school English teacher was my inspiration. She always had a positive outlook. She was calm & caring. She went out of her way to help any student who was struggling and needed extra help. She truly was the kindest person I’ve ever known.

  2. Inspirational Bible verses throughout the Bible…!
    And my mother who taught us to always be
    considerate,kind,help others,be authentic,live
    life to the fullest and more…!

  3. I am often the paper fairy. I take out the reams of paper and stack them on the shelf. I think it looks neater and more efficient, than just have the boxes and taking them out one ream at a time.
    My mother inspired me to do random asts of kindness. She knew the older people in town who would need a plate of cookies or a Christams card and a visit from some children (my brothers and I) to deliver these acts of kindness.

  4. On the day my father-in-law passed away I stopped for a cup of coffee to try to strengthen myself for the day ahead in my classroom. The person in line in front of me at the drive in had no idea how my day started but bought my cup of coffee for me. Although I was already in tears, I did smile and would have loved to let that person know how much that simple act of kindness meant to me.

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