An eraser.
With a bright orange mop-head face.
And it really works.
What could be better?
Students will line up to clean the board—and you might not even want to share!—with this adorable prize. Teacher’s Pet is made of a special microfiber blend. Your whiteboards will be white again, you won’t need smelly cleaners, and you can throw this eraser in the washer. Check it out here:
To enter the giveaway, let us know which classroom task you’d like to see magically disappear from your life. Submit a comment to this blog by 11:59 pm EDT on May 14, 2017. TWO lucky teachers will be randomly selected to win.
While we can’t make your most aggravating tasks disappear, we can save you precious minutes in your day with fun freebies like these.
From fossils to food and fractions to figurative language, features hundreds of free digital lessons that span the curriculum for ages 5-12. Take a look.
You’ve heard about the maker movement. Autodesk has a free maker program starter kit that’s yours for the asking. Get it at
Love infographics? No time to make them? Check out Pick a template; add charts, text or images; then customize fonts and colors. Done!
Enjoy those freebies and submit your comment for a chance to win. Happy National Teacher Appreciation Week!
Karen |
PS: Don’t forget, Diane and Kim have special contests running all week. Check out their blog posts for more chances to win! Click here.
I absolutely LOVE the whiteboard eraser!
The task I’d like to see disappear is redundant paperwork!
I’m with you, Katrina, we went crazy for it around the office. 🙂
Ooooh I’d love to win!!! I would like to see paperwork and grading papers magically disappear please:)
This is so cute. We would love this
I think my kids would love this. I too would love to see paperwork wiped away!!!
Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! Especially paperwork involved with being evaluated! HATE IT! I LOVE the whiteboard eraser though! SO CUTE!!!
I hate how much the paperwork that needs to be filed can pile up, up, up!!
I love that eraser!
The task I would like to see disappear is decorating bulletin boards!
The task I would most like to see disappear is sharpening pencils.
Love the eraser and I would love to use it to erase my paperwork.
I’d like paperwork to disappear.
For me it is a toss up between sharpening pencils and grading papers. I would be just fine if either of these tasks would disappear.
Filling out the breakfast & lunch forms! You wouldn’t believe how much paperwork that involves on a daily basis. Who ate what at breakfast? Who will eat what at lunch – choice lunch or regular lunch? And do the number of items (each milk, each juice, & each food item) being returned from breakfast match the numbers we have written on the paperwork?
That is an adorable eraser. I would like to see all the paperwork that isn’t directly related to students disappear.
The task that I would LOVE to eliminate is all the forms and files that states think we need to teach better!
Checking endless papers and keeping my desk clean. Never ending!!!
This eraser is too cute! I would like all the clutter on my desk to disappear!
Oh, there are SO many tasks that a teacher does each day … paperwork is always a big pain in the neck and it would be nice for that to disappear. However, I also think that meaningless meetings need to disappear. We would all be more efficient teachers if we had more TIME. If information can be shared via email, why hold a meeting? If you genuinely want input, then have a meeting and get input. But if you’re going to have the teachers do something without input, just send them the info in an email, don’t waste their time and give them a false sense of hope that their input is going to make a difference …. whew … it’s the end of the year, isn’t it? I love teaching – just not the paperwork and meaningless meetings!!!!
Cleaning the desks after snack! Ugh!
I would love to have filing erased from my life.
The eraser was to die for, also I am going to do do some research on the e-learning website!
OK, that whiteboard eraser is too cute! Why didn’t I think of that?
Meetings that don’t person to my area. Being in sped i cant tell you how often i sit in meetings that have nothing to do with my clasroom ror effect the environment my kids are serviced in!
I think sorting artwork into pre-k portfolios would be my task to disappear.
I know it’s nessesary, but I would really like to dispose of grading research papers
I’d love to see cutting lamination disappear…✂️
It’s a toss up. Meetings that could be done in an email and sharpening pencils.
I’d have to agree with a bunch of others and say paperwork. The eraser is super cute!
Grading papers!
Sharpening pencils!!! I feel this is a constant battle, and my first graders are not allowed to sharpen them since they like to see how small they can get the pencil.
Paperwork and filing!!!!
All the fingerprints my toddlers leave behind!
Paperwork! Grading!!
Absolutely HATE grading and dealing with paperwork.
I’d like to see all my grading and paperwork disappear!
I would like to see the mounds of paperwork disappear.
The task I’d like to magically disappear is cleaning and disinfecting everything every single night! =) I have the kids help me most days and they’re awesome, but it would be nice to just have every bookshelf magically straightened, every pencil magically picked up off the floor, and every stray mark magically wiped away!
I would like to see “broken crayon or pencils on the floor land” disappear. It is amazing to me how many each day I gather.
Filing all my papers!!
I would like to see all my paperwork file itself !!
One task that I could do without is pencil sharpening!! The never-ending cycle!
I would like to see all the paperwork disappear.
I’d love to see pencils magically sharpened every day! 😉
Love the eraser…too cute!
The meaningless task I would like to get rid of would be cleaning off whiteboards after centers because the kids didn’t do it. #JustDoIt
Adorable! What a toss-up! Sharpening pencils or grading papers would have to go!
I’d like to see the task of repeating myself magically disappear throughout the day!
I would love for paperwork to disappear!
Aweful professional development meetings!
I would love for testing our youngest kids to go away!
Useless meetings, if you can say it in an email do so!
It would be a dream come true to see state testing disappear! I ask Santa every year, but that hasn’t worked yet. I don’t like seeing my students become test scores. 🙁
Paperwork and filing all of the papers for assessing, activities, memory books, and so on.
Paperwork for sure! Assessments, Testing, the list goes on!!
Like everyone else, paperwork that doesn’t pertain directly to my teaching!
I would like to see my task of developing/implementing IEPs and Behavior contracts. Although they are necessary it is also an emotional process for both the teachers , students and parents involved.
Answering and reading emails is a task I wish would disappear!
Paperwork and dealing with politics/politicians who have no business being in education!
The task I’d like to see disappear most is all of the redundant assessments.
I’d love to stop the over testing of my students!
I would love to see all of the standardized assessments disappear.
Sharpening pencils is definitely one task I would like to disappear.
Professional development evidence and proofs.
I’d like to make end of the year cleaning and organizing disappear!
Grading papers!
I’d like to see repetitive paperwork disappear!!
Writing out lesson plans in the format my district prefers, and then again in a way I can actually use!
Ooo I’d live to erase paperwork for evaluations that take away from my lesson planning and prep!! 🙂
I really don’t like straightening up the library at the end of the day.
Endless paperwork! This eraser would match my monster theme perfectly!
I would love to have subbing for other teachers on my preps magically disappear!
Observation notes!!
I would like to see eating breakfast with Kindergarteners on carpeted classroom disappear. I would also love to see some of the paperwork disappear. Love the whiteboard eraser :).
I could do without sharpening pencils!
I would like cleaning the board to disappear, and it would with this fun eraser! Thank you, Mailbox, for offering this fun giveaway!
I’d like to see all my grading disappear!! I would also LOVE that adorable eraser!! My classroom is monster themed and that eraser would fit in perfectly!
Love this whiteboard eraser! I would love endless piles of grading papers to disappear!
Very cool eraser! I would love to win one????
Grading writing!!!!!! Poof… be gone!!! 🙂
Paperwork and scooting desks back into their original positions at the end of the day (my students scoot all over during the day).
Too much data collection for every student
I would like to see IEP paperwork magically disappear.
I would love to see the repetitive paperwork disappear from our classrooms. Filling out the same information 10 different ways is not going to help my students learn and grow.
I would love to see all the excessive unnecessary paperwork we are made to do.
I’d love to wave a magic wand that would put supplies and papers back where they belong! Cute eraser!! And I wouldn’t even need to put it away! 😉
Paper work!!!
Super cute eraser!!
If I could erase a task magically from my classroom it would definitely be answering the SAME question more than three times….more than 1+1+1 times….more than 3 times….more than 3 times!
Picking up pencils off the floor!!!!
I am not a big fan of correcting writing! I will do almost anything to avoid correcting the writing even clean the guinea pig cage! This is why I always have a huge stack of writing to grade at report card time!
sharpening pencils and filing/sorting paperwork.
I’d like to see the daily task if repeating myself multiple times. 🙂
Sharpening pencils
Sharpening pencils
I wish tracking down missing papers would disappear!????
Making copies. No one gets my “Makin’ copies!” joke and the copier is always out of staples!
I think copier staples must cost more than the GDP of most small countries. There’s no other explanation for their shortage.
Also, long-distance appreciation for your SNL reference. 🙂
The school based task is like to see gone is supervision during a negative 18 degree winter day
I would love to make the chairs magically stack themselves and the floor to clean it’s self at the end of the day! Firsties try hard but it would be nice to not have to do it at all!
Grading papers. I HATE grading papers!
I’d erase all my grading with this cute guy!!
I’m going to sound like everyone else here. PAPERWORK!!! Especially when it’s so repetitive and I could be spending time with my kiddos.
I wish grading papers would go away!
I would have to say the task that I would like to see disappear in my classroom is having to write out daily sheets for my preschoolers. Call me “old school” but by the age of 3 almost 4 years old and older, you should be able to have a conversation with your child and their day at school. This would also save on paper and toner costs as well as allow me more time to plan other fun activities for learning early concepts.
I would love to see the stacks of paper that need to be put up, magically find their own spot.
End of the year paperwork!
I wish the daily reflections requiring three photos and a paragraph about each along with the standards would disappear.
Holy moly! That is just…well, this is polite company, so I’ll refrain from saying what I think it is.
I’d love to erase grading!
Sharpening kids’ pencils!
I would like to get rid of grading papers!
I’d love to see all the unnecessary assessing disappear! We do WAY too much of it, just for the division, that doesn’t necessarily even match our curriculums. Ugh!!
I wish paperwork and sharpening pencils would disappear!! Super cute eraser too!
I would love to erase whining!
I’d love to see pencil sharpening go away.
Cleaning bathrooms or mopping floors????
Report cards!! Ugh!!!
I would like the “high stakes” testing to be erased!
Grading Papers or Testing!
This would make Kinders want to help out even more. Absolutely adorable!
The task I would like to see disappear is making copies and then having to file them.
Lunch duty!
Mopping and vaccuuming
I would love for bathroom duty to go away!
State Testing– that puts all students on the same playing field– NOT FAIR
Lunch and recess duty when it’s cold out!
I love this ! My kids would go crazy!
I’d like to see scripted textbooks disappear!
I would love to erase grading spelling test and dictation sentences in Kindergarten!!!
I love the eraser! It would make me happy every time I see it! I would love to see papers magically grade themselves and then disappear! Then, input the grades into the grade book!
Literacy paperwork! It never ends!
I would like the spots from permanent markers on tables to go away!
I wouldn’t mind making those pesky marker marks on my whiteboard disappear more easily!
Meetings that could be an email!
Lunch duty.
Love this eraser! I would love to see the sharpening of pencils what seems like 100 times a day disappear!!!
Grading essays
I would love to see mindless paperwork disappear! I love the eraser and so would my students!
I’d love to see grading papers disappear!
Grading papers!
Collecting class picture forms and money
I woukd like to get rid of meetings. So many meetings!
Sharpening pencils constantly and constant need for bathroom
I would love to lose random required assessments. We know where our kids are based on daily work and lessons. I don’t need a standardized test to tell me my kids aren’t at grade level. I need reinforcement with data that shows my students with emotional challenges are staying in class, doing work, and being safe!
Love that eraser! I would love to see all my paperwork magically disappear!!!
The task I would like to disappear is having to constantly replace pencils because they are always disappearing or losing their erasers.
I would love to eliminate paperwork also… Especially things that get filled out repeatedly. I would also remove recess/lunch duty.
I’d love to see lunch/recess duty go away!
I would love to erase my piles of paperwork!
Love the eraser!!
I will use it on white board for circle time and the let the children use it
How adorable!
I would love to see TS Gold documentation disappear.
I would like to erase planning IEP meetings!
I would love my paper work to disappear! i’m an Early Childhood Special Education teacher and i am drowning in paperwork!
The task I would like to erase Would definitely be tying shoes for my pre-k students.
I’d like to see piles of papers that need to be filed disappear. There’s never enough time to do everything you need!
The task I would like to see disappear is making sub plans!
The task I would like to see disappear is trying to wipe down leftover marks on the whiteboard!!! I hate the smell of the Expo cleaner!
I think the task of sub plans need to disappear forever!
Grading papers!! Love the eraser!
Paperwork!!! I just want to teach!! Super cute eraser!!
Love the eraser! I would love to see the task of grading papers disappear.
It is so cute. I would love it!
I would love to see lunch duty disappear!! I don’t want to hover over students as they eat. Watching students put ketchup on pizza is not an enjoyable part of my day! I’d also like to see the annoying task of picking up random pencils off the floor. If it’s on the floor it’s out the door!
If we could erase testing and meaningless paperwork – oh my goodness, just think of all the amazing things we could do!
I am not in the classroom, but in my library, I would love for books to magically reshelf themselves!
Oh my gosh my Kindergarteners would go nuts over this! I’m going nuts over how cute it is! I would definitely have meetings take care of themselves. Way too many meetings!
I’d love to see filing disappear from my day! Typically, I skip it, and then eventually the pile becomes too big to ignore any longer!
The task I would love to disappear is grading papers and morning recess duty.
With a wave of my trusty Teacher’s Pet all the food wasted in the lunchroom would be instantly transformed in to meals to go home daily with the students that need food in their homes at night also.
I would love to see grading papers go away!
I teach Kindergarten and I would love to do away with the huge amount of testing we do.
I would like paper work to disappear. My students would love to have boardduty with this.
I would love the task of grading papers to disappear
I would love to come home and not do anything for school (grading papers, working on report cards, or planning).
I would like to see grading papers disappear!
The task I would like to see disappear is before school and after school duties.
Rti paperwork
I’d like to see paperwork disappear!!
I would like to no have to post anything up in my room that my kids can’t read..I teach kindergarten and the jargon that has to be up is just cray cray..everything should either be to label something, or teach something…standards, objectives…need to be kid friendly…age appropriate….love this cutie pie eraser!
Love the eraser! I’d like all my grading to disappear!!
Would love for pd trainings and grading papers to disappear. Love the eraser!
I would love to see the endless testing disappear.
Testing is the task I would remove.
I really do not like sweeping and vacuuming my classroom every day. Could that disappear??
I would absolutely love to make lunch duty and bus duty magically disappear!! Just having a few extra minutes to my lunch time and after school would be fabulous!!
I would like organizing papers to disappear!!!
Love the eraser! I wish it could erase the clutter on my desk.
Once the whiteboard is cleaned the black marker gunk/residue falls into the track line for the roll to the side whiteboards, it is the residue that I hate to clean up. Our janitor never cleans it. A vacuum with a nozzle or a damp cloth works.
Diaper changing wish all my 2 year olds were potty trained
I would love to get rid of all the paperwork!
The task I would like to see is data connection for students who are struggling and need extra support.
Tying shoes
Classroom chores I’d like to disappear… sharpening pencils
Filing papers so that I can actually find them the next year! Gradually switching to digital in hopes of avoiding this task!
Thanks for asking! I would love to get rid of the pressure to always be proficient.
I wish I could eliminate grading papers! I joke that I need two of me- one to actually do the teaching and one to do all the other “stuff”.
I’d love to win the white board eraser! A task I’d love to have disappear is checking papers! I also wouldn’t be upset if there were a few less required assessments.
Paperwork and unnecessary meetings.
Desperately need something like this. I have been using a dirty old rag to clean my whiteboard.
I would get arid of paperwork and filing the papers.
LOVE the eraser! It would go over well in my kindergarten classroom! 🙂 I would LOVE to have sharpening pencils disappear. I get so far behind in it because I dislike it that much!!
Paperwork! For sure!
I would love to see lunch and recess duty disapear.
I would love to have all of the paperwork go away.
I would have to say paperwork too. I love the eraser!
End of the year classroom clean up and papers not coming back from home like they are supposed to!
I’d love to eliminate paperwork! That cute eraser sure would make the day more bareable!!!
i could definitely do without the paperwork that just doesn’t need to be and the meetings that could be a quick email.
The task I would like to disappear is paperwork.
I would like all this high stakes testing of Kindergarteners in my district to go away!!!
Packing up my classroom at the end of every year so that the room can be cleaned and the floors polished each summer is a major job that I would love to make disappear!
One task I could do without is cleaning the classroom, seems like an endless job. Dust, dust, dust!
I would love to see the desks straighten themselves and all the stray pencils on the floor magically jump inside of them at the end of each day! 🙂
I’d like to see paperwork disappear
I would like to see time-wasting meetings that can be written in an email gone!
I wish the neverending load of paperwork will go away!
I’d love to see recording data for the District to magically disappear! So time consuming and so NOT important for student growth.
I’d like to see end of the year testing and report cards disappear! Cute eraser!
Sharpening all those colored pencils
I would like the clean up of toys every other minute disappear
The disappearing pencils and eraser trick…i just want to have them magically appear as needed! Lol
I’d love to see grading papers and standardized testing disappear.
Grading. I’d love grading to disappear.
Standardized testing
I would love to see the need for behavior charts disappear.
Grading papers
I would love to see grading papers disappear!!
anything involving paper
Field trips
I would like to see the elimination of state assessments and testing. The task of preparing the students to take these is time and labor intensive. Love the whiteboard eraser and my class will too!
I’d like to avoid the “fluff” meetings. I’d rather use that time for planning! Also, the ridiculous amount of redundant paperwork.
putting up chairs and sweeping
I would love to not have to copy anything! The copy machine is always out of staples or paper, it is jamming, it is broken, or there is a LONG line to use it! Getting rid of this job would be GREAT!
I wouldn’t mind paperwork if I thought someone was looking at it. I would like paperwork that is nothing but a waste of time, waiting to be filed away on an administrator ‘s google drive, to disappear.
Adorable!!! I wouldn’t mind if the grades put themselves in the computer
Grading papers, PLEASE!!
Political part of teaching and make the students the center of your day instead. :0)
I would love to see grading papers and paperwork disappear!
The task that needs to disappear is car duty!! I live in Florida and am getting sunburned between it and recess!
Grading papers and sharpening pencils.
I’d like to eliminate paperwork!
Dusting my room. Every time I move something, I have no time to clean it up 🙁
I’d like to get rid of paperwork and scheduling!
Recess duty especially in the winter!
My weekend paperwork. 😛
What chore I want to disappear? Cleaning the floors.
I’d like to eliminate the Walkie Talkie I have to carry with me everywhere!
I’d like to eliminate the large Walkie Talkie I have to carry with me everywhere!
I’d love to see homework papers disappear. Grading and organizing papers is the worst!
Lead pencils in classroom
Paperwork, mandated testing
I’d like to see all of the paperwork and standardized testing disappear!
Sharpening pencils and keeping student desks in order. My room must tilt one direction. Student desks never stay how I want them.
I’d like to see the task of-cleaning the art easel erased!
Grading. Some grading I don’t mind, but most is boring.
Grading papers!
I would love to see grading papers magically disappear!
Paperwork and filing
I wish grading papers would magically disappear!
Grading papers!
Preparing snacks parent send thinking their children can do it themselves.
Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork!
Tidying my desk as I hardly ever get to sit there to do it!
I wish getting up early would magically disappear from my life!
Report cards….be gone…I hate them!!!
What a cute way to clean the board – would really love it!. A task that I would love to erase would have to be paperwork, and testing.
I would like to erase some of our testing!
The task I would love to see go away is standardized state testing and all the preparation testing practices that go along with it. We would actually gain a month of school time to dedicate to real learning!!!!
I would love to have reliable technology! Almost daily, there are computer “glitches” which give me fits. Thank goodness for my 3rd graders’ tech support. They have no fear!
I would love to see grading papers vanish from my life!
standardized testing and non-engaging technology!
I would like to see my principal stop micromanaging everything and everyone.
Paperwork! paperwork and paperwork!!
I would love this in my classroom!!!! and so would my helpers!!!
I hate having to wash desks after using glue!!
Oh yes, grading papers, definitely need out!
Tying shoes 24/7!!! 🙂 All NC PreK and Kinder students should only be allowed to wear Velcro shoes. 🙂 Can I get an Amen?
Food forms for sure. Not trying to be negative, but it would be nice to improvise here.
I would love to see homework disappear. If parents worked with their students at home I would not have to make a homework packet to be graded later.
I would love for all tier 2 & tier 3 progress monitoring paperwork to disappear. I love my students and I am constantly monitoring their progress, but the paperwork can be a chore. I LOVE the Teacher’s Pet eraser! I wish it could erase all my paperwork!
None of them need to disappear but doing some things less often would help with the time issues.
I LOVE the eraser!
Please make my paperwork disappear, and all the data we have to have that no one looks at anyway!
Oh my goodness, who wouldn’t love to see our paperwork disappear? For me that paperwork has already masked itself as emails and digital documents, It seems there is no getting away from it. That being said, if that cutie pie teacher’s pet eraser could erase away my lunch time supervision at least there’d be a little extra time for tackle that stuff!
Cleaning cubbies!
Super cute eraser!! Grading paperwork!
Quarterly testing
Sharpening pencils.
Such a cute eraser! One thing I sure won’t miss over the summer is paperwork.
All the extra meetings just for the sake of holding a meeting, ugh.
I’d name him Carrot Top! ❤
I’d love to see unnecessary paperwork disappear. I am drowning in piles!
I would love to have all of my papers magically graded.
I think I would get rid of paperwork. Especially paperwork that doesn’t benefit my students.
I would love for my piles of stuff to magically put themselves away. I only have a moment in between my groups and most of that time is spent escorting students back to their classroom and picking up the next student. Most of my time after school is spent cleaning up the mess that happens in between each group.
Pencil sharpening!
Graded papers
I would love not have to clean glue off the table tops. Yes my students help, but they usually don’t get it all. I usually have to guide my first grade students.
I would love for the need for student portfolios to go away! Parents only rarely look at them as it’s mostly a state thing, and it takes up a ton of coveted prep time to update them when I could be planing art or class decoration ideas. 🙂
I’d like to see bulletin boards done for me! I hate that stuff!
Refilling my portable sink in my classroom with clean water and dumping old water I just hate that.
Paperwork involved with being evaluated and sharpening student pencils!
I LOVE the whiteboard eraser so cute!
I would love to see desks wipe themselves every afternoon, and the chairs magically go up! In the meantime, my students laugh at me for wiping my board with the “same sponge they use to wash their parents cars!”
My students laugh at me for wiping my board with the “same sponge they use to wash their parents cars!” The task that should magically disappear is cleaning the desks with Clorox wipes and picking up the floor! I know i should get the kids to do it …
State observations.
Sweeping sand up
I would love to see lesson plans to disappear.
Writing !!!!!, although it is needed, I think collaboration and sharing our ideas and thoughts is very beneficial, and it’s easier for children with disabilities!!! P.S. I love this prize, OMG!!!!
Putting grades in the online gradebook!
I would love the task of sharpening pencils be magically done for me! Especially when there is no electric sharpener!
They look amazing!!
I would love for the wiping down of the desks to disappear. It really is amazing how filthy the desk get by end of the day.
I would like to see dust disappear.
Entering grades and report cards
Picking up left over belongings
My kinder babies would love this eraser and we’d have more time to utilize it if all unnecessary testing would disappear (other than to check what I am teaching-not those imposed by outside agencies.)
I’m torn: either the grading OR the sharpening of pencils. I don’t allow the students to use my electric sharpener because it always, magically, stops working… *sigh*
Sped paperwork that isn’t shared with others during testing and you have to fill it out several times for each person evaluating
I love this!!! I would love to see lunch duty go away… it takes 40 minutes right out of my day
Extra paperwork and too much testing
Love the teachers pet and would like to see an end to all the paper work
I would love to see all the excessive grading and paperwork go far far away!
I love teaching and seeing the growth of students, however, I would love to have grading magically disappear…or be magically completed!
Packing up all our technology and cords at the end of the year.
As a teacher we have to deal with a lot of paperwork. I would love to see them disappear. This adorable whiteboard eraser adds some color to the monotonous task. It is a nice distraction.