That’s Funny!

Tim Conway, the legendary comedian, passed away last week. When I found out, I spent some time watching some of his best outtakes from The Carol Burnett Show. They’re hilarious! If you’ve never watched them, you really should. Laughter is the best medicine. It relaxes the body and relieves stress. So when we can combine laughter with learning, it’s doubly good for our students. Check out these terrific activities that will get your little ones giggling!

Counting syllables

Here’s a fun activity to go with this amusing song! After leading students in singing the song, help them come up with plural nouns that have three syllables like the following: elephants, kangaroos, bicycles, dinosaurs, umbrellas, butterflies, and grandmothers. Then have them sing the song again, replacing “coconuts” with a different three syllable word. Hilarious!

Silly Picnic Packing
Participating in a game

Little ones will love this giggle-worthy activity. Get a large appliance box (picnic basket) and trim the sides so that it’s quite shallow. Place the box in your large-group area. Tell students that you’re going to pack for a picnic. Encourage them to recite the chant shown. Then say, “I’m going to pack some watermelon for my picnic. Here’s a good-looking watermelon!” Choose a child to represent your watermelon and escort her to the picnic basket, prompting her to sit down. Continue in the same way with other picnic food choices until the basket is filled with giggling children. Then empty out the basket and play another round. *This activity is from The Mailbox Gold®! Click here to find out more.

Picnic, picnic—what a treat!
Picnic, picnic—what to eat?


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