Teaching Introverts

I am an introvert. I do best with groups under three individuals. I delight in a night home with a book or watercolors. Small talk drives me insane. I’m not saying I don’t like to be social—I do! But I have a social limit, and then I need to recharge.

 Teaching introverts can be a challenge. Being a teacher and an introvert can be a challenge as well. Perhaps that’s why I’m now contributing to children’s education the way I do instead of being with lots of children and adults all day long. (Our office here at The Mailbox is chock-full of awesome people. But we spend a lot of time working on individual projects, and it’s very, very quiet.) Check out this article from Edutopia on introverts in the classroom. It has some interesting things to say.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you find it challenging to teach the introverts in your class? Or perhaps you find that extroverts are more challenging?

2 thoughts on “Teaching Introverts

  1. Introvert! I love teaching my students, but, like you, I’m exhausted by the end of the day. Some children are super quiet and reluctant to respond in a group setting; I find times throughout the day to talk with them one-on-one. I pair up extroverts and introverts for small group assignments, or assign introverts to a group. This way they talk and share ideas with each other, and their faces show that they enjoy the work.

  2. I would say I am more out there teaching the kids but when I am out of the classroom I am much quieter and shy. I identifiy with both kinds of children. I have found when you have a introverted child I give them choices. During the greeting song instead of shouting your name I ask them to whisper their name. When playing a game I might have them point vs touch something. But I always make sure at snack they are sitting next to a extroverted child and I sit with them and then I ask open ended questions to all the children but I make sure I ask the introvert their thoughts too. Usually by the end of October the introverted child becomes comfortable and starts talking to everyone in our classroom and playing with others.

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