Take Back Your Time!

book-1500658_960_720Today is National Take Back Your Time Day. So what is that all about? It’s a day to reflect on busy schedules, too many duties, and lack of free time. Is your schedule packed to the brim? Does it really need to be that full? Here are a few tips to help you relax and free up your time.

  • Try to focus on one thing at a time. I know you have a million things to do. But trying to multitask makes us feel harried and stressed.
  • Stop staring at your phone when you have downtime. Focus on a hobby, read a book, or watch that show you’ve been wanting to get to. Time blows by when you aimlessly scroll on your phone.
  • Don’t compare yourself to workaholics. Give yourself the freedom to have downtime. It’s better for your health in the long run.
  • Do as little as possible during your downtime. It isn’t really downtime if you’re doing laundry, talking on the phone, washing dishes, and cooking dinner.

Do you feel like you get any downtime? How do you spend it?

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