An Invitation From the Upper Grades Exchange

When looking back over the year of Upper Grades Exchange posts I wrote in 2011 for a “year in review” post I never finished, it was not difficult to see that you—my readers—are most likely to react and comment on topics that involve some amount of controversy. Technology in the classroom, education reform, class sizes,…

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The Challenge of Class Size, Part Two

For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. For every outsize class bursting a room at its seams, there’s an equal and opposite small class, begging for intimacy and intensity. As I noted previously, in my third year of teaching I had a class that required every available desk in my room. Thirty-one students….

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The Challenge of Class Size, Part One

The time: My third year of teaching. The place: My classroom. The point: Thirty-one desks in my classroom, thirty-one students coming through the door for a language arts class. The result: Awkward. Keep in mind that I had, of course, seen my class lists, but the actual appearance of those thirty-one students in my classroom…

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