My Way Or….

Blog-LightbulbToday, February 17, is My Way Day. I know, I know, I know—if everyone thinks it’s their day to have it their way, it doesn’t seem like today is going to be such a swell day. So let me explain. My Way Day is a nod to scientists, inventors, writers, artists, and all others who have bravely pursued their ideas even when few believed the ideas had merit. Think about it. What if Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, George Washington Carver, or Charles Babbage had given up on their ideas? Things would certainly be different today!

So, you see, My Way Day isn’t a day to have your every wish. It is, however, a day to take stock of your own ideas. Is there an idea you’ve considered but haven’t pursued. Maybe today’s the day to get the ball rolling. After all, it is My Way Day!



2 thoughts on “My Way Or….

  1. I had never heard of this but would love to make a celebration day of it. Perhaps the kiddos could bring in pictures of their favorite my way activity and their favorite my way person’s creation.

  2. In math, children are encouraged to explore various strategies for arriving at the same answer. Additionally, children often gain a deeper understanding of concepts when they discuss their ideas with each other. Why not take “My Way Day” and have the children teach a concept of their choice “Their Way”? Each child picks a topic of interest and teaches it to his/her classmates the way that helps them understand it best! Research has proven that if you can teach someone else how to do a task, it develops your own understanding of the topic!

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