If You’re Happy and You Know It…

For the past week or so, I’ve been seeing a lot of first-day-of-school photos with smiling faces. Oh, I know that kids complain about going back to school. But we all know that they’re excited about having a new classroom and a new teacher. Plus the routine is healthy for them. It’s good to know that going to school makes so many of them smile!

Speaking of smiling, what makes you happy? I recently did one of those fun little games on my personal Facebook page that involved me listing three things that make me happy for each of seven days. It made me realize just how many things out there make me happy!

Here’s my list of happy things for today:

  1. vanilla lattes

  2. craft store coupons

  3. smiling people

Just for fun on this Monday morning, list three things that make you happy. Aaaand go!

2 thoughts on “If You’re Happy and You Know It…

  1. What makes me happy as a male kindergarten teacher?
    A. A beautiful day!
    B. Eating a big breakfast that includes 2 cups of coffee after 5 mile run.
    C. Ending the school day by going to the library

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