Got Paper?

Is copy paper a precious commodity in your school? Around our office, we think about a teacher’s paper supply a lot. I bet you didn’t know that, did you? Well, we do! 🙂

Do you think you’re using less copy paper now than you did, say, three years ago? And, if so, how have you reduced the amount of paper you’re using? For example, are you sending home fewer parent notes? Are your students completing fewer worksheets? Are you more likely to use both sides of a sheet of paper? What other paper-saving strategies do you have?

Okay, here’s one last question! Should I put a box of copy paper in my prize closet for future blog giveaways?


PS: Speaking of giveaways, today is the last day to enter the drawing for a free book from The Mailbox Books. See “Classroom Wall Giveaway!” for details.

9 thoughts on “Got Paper?

  1. Wow paper is always a issue in a coop preschool. One thing I have been doing is writing more notes on the sign in sheet vs making a note for each person in the class.

  2. I work at a head start and we dont use worksheets so yes I would say that I am not using as much copy paper as I was 3 years ago when I was working at a Daycare Center. Also I think it would be a great ideal for you to put a box of copy paper in the prize closet.

  3. I use a lot more paper than I did 2 years ago. I taught preschool back then and other than the occasional coloring page and a daily note and newsletter that was it. We did use a lot of construction paper. Now I teach 6th and 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies. Lots of paper!!!! However, I am trying to do more things online since they all have laptops or netbooks to use. Trying to save a tree if I can.
    Yes please put a box of paper in your prize closet!

  4. Yes it is an issue. We have just been informed that we are being given 500 sheets that should last us until February 2010! So yes Please add paper to your prize closet!

  5. Yes, I use less paper. I love the mailbox ideas so much but sometimes instead of photocopying a craft idea, I use scrap paper to free form the a similar craft. Our local newspaper/print office saves cardstock and paper scraps free for teachers if they ask. I have also started emailing notes, reminders, and newsletters to parents.

  6. Unfortunately, I am using more copy paper – but I think it is benefitting my preschoolers – I am sending more home for them to look at with their parents, but it is all fun stuff – I hate worksheets, but I have found and created some that I think work and are fun – we don’t use them in a worksheet kind of way – sometimes we poke letters with huge tacks, or run cars down a road shaped like a letter, or bingo dobbers or playdo — I have some that I laminate so they will last and I don’t have to copy all the time. So I agree copy paper – the kind you can use in a printer from home would be great to add! thanks so much!!

  7. Oh dear, I keep using more copy paper but I want to use less. I get so many fun worksheets from my Mailbox subscriptions, and I want my students to learn from and enjoy them!

    I received a treasure from a bank a few years ago – a box full of odd pieces of paper in lots of colors – the kids love to write notes and trace stencils on the pretty colors and shapes.

  8. I use more paper because there are so many great ideas online. However, I do try to use the back of sheets.

    For pumpkin in a bag idea, perhaps yellow and red jello would work instead of paint. I know our preschoolers in storytime would have the paint all over the tables and floor. Thanks for the ideas.

  9. Diane, our school actually got fined over $1,000 last year for making too many copies. Ever since then, we have been on a copy machine lock-down. Everything we want copied must be approved by the principal. Needless to say, we have resorted to having students do more interactive activities, copy problems from a document overhead, using journals/spiral notebooks, and printing class sets of pages off our computers in our rooms (which probably ends up costing the school even more money in the long run with all the printer ink we go through…). Long story short-I use less paper than I did before. 🙂


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