Donut Day and a Giveaway

Blog-Pail-of-ProductsToday is National Donut Day and the first Friday in June which, of course, is giveaway day here at The Mailbox Blog. Doughnuts and prizes—could there be a better combo for a Friday?

To be entered in this month’s giveaway, leave a comment before midnight, Wednesday, June 17, that tells two things that are on your summer bucket list. The winner of the giveaway will win a bucket. Yeppers, a bucket—filled teacher-approved goodies of course—and two free digital packets from The Mailbox. To check out our growing collection of packets, click here



 Congratulation to Amber C., this month’s giveaway winner! Amber wins a bucket of school supplies and two e-packets from The Mailbox. 

231 thoughts on “Donut Day and a Giveaway

  1. Hmmm… two things on my bucket list are to visit Mammoth Cave and to have a day-long (or weekend-long!) date with just my husband. 🙂

    • My bucket list for the summer 2015 is:
      1. My beach trip with our daughter and her family.
      2. Welcoming our son and his wife’s identical twin boys!
      Next year the whole family will be on our beach trip!!!

      • The two things on my bucket list are to go on our family vacation to the beach and to start my gathering my first year teaching supplies! I am so excited !

  2. My summer bucket list includes:
    1-Painting my hall bathroom sage green (I’ve tried to get that done for the last 3 summers. This is the summer it gets done!)
    2-Get all of my loose worksheets organized in binders by theme, subject or craft.

  3. Two things on my bucket list this summer.
    1. Relax and enjoy time with my family.
    2. Enjoy the heat, winter will be back before we know it.

  4. The two things I plan to do this summer are: celebrate my 19 year old brother being cancer free by taking a trip and get my baby to sleep through the night.

  5. Two things on my bucket list for this summer are READ for fun! In addition get organized for next school year 🙂

  6. 1. Spend time with out-of-town family
    2. Enjoy the beach and mountains of NC (at different times, of course)

    2. Get my new classroom, totally cleaned out. Have some fun — anything but more cleaning! Hopefully, doing a bunch of (fun) reading as I have a big stack of books that I have not gotten to this year.

  8. 2 things on my bucket list.
    Finish my dual degree in special ed and elementary ed.
    take a real vacation with ALL of my family, including my step daughter.

  9. 1. Go see a movie at the drive-in (My husband made this happen last weekend.)
    2. Have a clean/organized house (My kids make this a rare thing! )

  10. On my bucket list this summer is to get everything in order for the coming school year, to read tons of books and relax in the sun, and to garden. And yes a bucket would come in handy.

  11. Two tasks on my summer bucket list are to read at least two books a week and to take a vacation with my husband when he returns from deployment.

  12. I would love to finish scrapbooking my daughters first year…she’s turning 4 this summer! Another goal is to take the family to a drive in movie!

  13. Two things on my Bucket List for this summer are:
    1. to spend more time with family and friends, even if my house is a mess and there are a ton of things I need to get done.
    2. to make time for me…to do Bible Study, to meditate, to be more active, and to make better health-wise choices.
    Wish me well. 🙂

  14. Two things on my bucket list – tons of reading and vacationing at the beach & attending the SDE national K conference in Vegas!

  15. Two things on my bucket list this summer.
    1. Deep clean my house.
    2. Spend as much time possible at the pool.

  16. Two things from my bucket list:
    1. Read for fun (I really miss this during the school year!)
    2. Go to the beach

  17. My two bucket list items are to get a teaching job (I was let go a couple weeks ago due to low student enrollment), and read up on new ways to teach so I can be even better my second year teaching

  18. On my summer bucket list are: 1) to visit at least three museums, and 2) organize, organize, organize! 🙂

  19. I have two big jobs on my bucket list for the summer:
    1. Rip out all the carpet on the main floor of my house.
    2. Paint each room and put down laminate flooring.

  20. 1- Taking my adopted daughter back to China to see her birth country and
    2- visiting Fiji or another beautiful out of the way country with my children to show them parts of the world that they would otherwise only see in magazines and on the Internet.

  21. 1. Take down wallpaper and repaint the kitchen and hallway of the house I bought last summer.
    2. Put together center activities for my special education (autism) group next year.

  22. 1) Spending as much time as I can with my newborn son
    2) Work on renovations to my house – wallpaper is NOT fun

  23. Summer bucket list:
    Leader in Me book club with my grade team
    Walk to the park with my daughter at least twice a week.

  24. Wow, yesterday I was just thinking on some fabulous ideas that I want to implement this summer!

    1. Have myself and others make care packages to give to homeless people . Take a gallon size zipper bag and fill it with items from the dollar store. Ex…. Toiletries, non-perishable food, blanket, flash light. Just anything you feel they would enjoy.

    2. The same concept as above, but start making Christmas stockings. They will be taken to children hospitals and to homeless shelters.

    I am so excited to start these projects. I hope others that read my post will share the ideas. And many more children and homeless people all over the U.S. will get the same benefits.

  25. 2 things on my bucket list: Teaching summer reading camp and watching my house be rebuilt after burning down in October!

  26. 1. Spend time with my loved ones who don’t always get my attention during the school year

    2. To rest up and be recharged before the new school year begins

  27. The hardest thing to ask a teacher is to list only two things they will do during summer break. Well number one is having safe and speedy recovery from an accident. Number two is taking my child to Disneyworld on his birthday!!! I have forty eight other things I could list but these are most important to me……

  28. 1. Read at least one book for pleasure and one book to enhance teaching skills.
    2. Enjoy individual time with ‘my three sons’

  29. On my bucket list this summer:
    to get some closets organized and visit my son in Nashville for several days!

  30. 1. Organize all my cupboards and closets at home.
    2. Go through all of my centers at school and organize them and also organize my science lessons to go along with my literature lessons.

  31. 1. Clean our house, sell it, move to my husband’s mother’s house that he inherited
    2. Visit Sea World in San Antonio (my son has never been)

  32. Summer Bucket List:

    1) Trip to Boston to (celebrate my boyfriend & Mine’s one year anniversary) & to see Boston play the Tigers at Fenway Park (lifelong bucket list item)

    2) Weekend visit to see my family on the west side of Michigan. (I live on the east side of the state)

  33. Summer bucket list:
    1. Family vacation to Washington, D.C.
    2. Spending time with my sister-in-law when she’s home from The Netherlands.

    Can’t wait!!

  34. Two things on my bucket list are making at least a day trip to the beach (I need to see the ocean at least one time lol) and to find a new place by the end of vacation hopefully packing before school starts to make the move in September easier.

  35. My summer bucket list includes a state history tour for vacation and organizing my classroom as I’m changing from 12.5 years in K-5 ENL to third grade!

  36. Two things on my bucket list for this summer:

    1. Marry the love of my life in July
    2. Going to Rome on our honeymoon

  37. 1. I would love to take my daughters to their first musical at the Fox Theater in St. Louis.
    2. Go see the ocean because we have never been there yet 🙁

  38. I want to catch up on reading and come up with some awesome organization systems/lessons for next school year.

  39. My Top 2 Summer Bucket List Items:
    1. Relax and have fun with my family
    2. Try and have most of my classroom decorated and ready to go BEFORE pre-planning 🙂

  40. 1. Vacation to Colorado
    2. Get completely unpacked in our new house that we have been living in since January.

  41. After loosing our first child in November, we are determined to have a wonderful summer. We have recently started golfing, and we’re going to go on a mini vacation to relax, which will likely include a golf outing. Who would have guessed that I liked golfing so much. 🙂

  42. Two things on my summer bucket list:
    – Go to our local water park and feel like I’m 6 years old again!!
    – Rent a cabin up in the beautiful Colorado mountains with our group of friends!!

  43. 1. Volunteering at church to repair tornado damage

    2. Relaxing with family and friends – grilling out and eating plenty of watermelon

  44. 1. Organize my first classroom! SO EXCITED!
    2. Plan out my curriculum for my first year of teaching! WOO HOO!

  45. My two bucket list items include:
    1. Taking a small vacation to Disney and,
    2. Going through, cleaning, and reorganizing my school unit boxes to fit the new curriculum and TS Gold standards.

  46. My two bucket list items are 1. Figure out my new embroidery machine and 2. Visit my friend in Nashville!

  47. My 2 things are to get in better shape (already up to walking 1.5 miles a day!) And to read more. Not just for pleasure but also to better myself as a teacher!

  48. Two things on my summer bucket list are :
    1. Spend time with family
    2. Take time to relax and have fun

  49. 2 things on my summer bucket list are 1. to read as many books for pleasure as possible! 2. Spend as much time as possible outside with my 2 year old twins and my
    Husband growing our garden and playing in the water and sun!!

  50. Have mountains of fun with my precious pre-school son at. Sea World San Antonio!
    Spend lots of great time with my sister and her children.

  51. Two things on my bucket list this summer:
    1. Get familiar with first grade standards as I return to the classroom after three years off!
    2. Setting up my new classroom with enough time to enjoy the beginning of the year with my own kiddos!

  52. The two biggest things on my summer bucket list are a summer car trip with my kids to visit family and the beach and then go on a little weekend getaway with the hubby!

  53. Two things that are on my bucket list for this summer:
    1. Go through my file folders and organize into 3 ring binders.
    2. Spend my Saturdays taking care of my aging parents.

  54. 1) Find ways to integrate more global aspects into literacy.
    2) Catch up with my fellow teacher, family, and friends!

  55. 1) enjoy my son’s wedding with family in New Orleans

    2) reorganize my supplies and storage to meet new curriculum

  56. Let’s see the two things on my bucket list are hiking up Burnt Meadow mountain in Maine and learning to horse back ride.
    I have others of course but these are my two big ones for this year.

  57. Two things on my bucket list for summer are to read a lot and get back in to running, so I can train for my first marathon.

  58. 1. Travel from the South to New England
    2. Read “Mindfulness for Teachers” and “Whole Brain Teaching”

  59. 1. A trip to an Oregon beach house with my sisters and their spouses and families
    2. Enjoying our new puppy and learning how to train him

  60. The big thing on my summer bucket list won’t happen until Labor Day weekend. My mom, sister, & I will be going to San Diego to have a beach getaway. By then my mom will be completely done with chemo & radiation treatments for breat cancer. My sister & I have been taking turns taking care of our mom throughout her treatments & surgery. The beach getaway will be a celebration as well …. My mom will be healthy again!!

  61. My bucket list for summer:
    Go to beach with my family.
    Clean out and ORGANIZE my classroom for next school year.

  62. My two bucket list items are:

    1. Go to Florida to explore a new place!
    2. Explore Missouri parks!

  63. Summer bucket list: travel to Florida to visit family and go to Georgia to see a couple I’ve not seen in 15 years. They were very influential in my life during my turbulent teen years.

  64. Loving on my family (our first and oldest is headed to college in the fall) and finishing my first quilt!

  65. Two things on my bucket list this summer: 1. Going to the beach with my hubby and son.
    2. Doing my first presentation at this summer AETC, in Birmingham, Alabama, on Kahoot. I’m very nervous, but excited!

  66. Bucket list items would be to never set the alarm and count my glue sticks. (You can never have to many heading into the year)

  67. My summer bucket list ranges from traveling to Alaska to see my only son to filing all my downloads in subject binders to be organized and ready to use them in September to hiring someone to put a new floor in my downstairs hall to buying a new dryer and finishing the laundry room my late husband never completed.

  68. My list is simplistic but bursting with an abundance of goals. In my bucket I plan to attend a weight loss surgery seminar to begin program and establish new teaching strategies.

  69. My summer bucket list is:
    Summer of fun with my family
    Focusing on my health and taking care of myself…physically and emotionally

  70. My bucket list this summer includes celebrating my parents 50th and getting some painting done in my house. I also need to plan several PBL activities for fall.

  71. Hmmmm…. on my bucket list will be:
    Having a day or two off and going shopping with my sister.
    Catching up on some good books while relaxing on my deck.

  72. Two things on my bucket list is to get more stuff for my class roomand the other thing is to spend some time with my own children..

  73. My bucket list for Summer 2015….

    1. Organize my spare bedrooms
    2. Participate in an activity I’ve never tired before, at random 🙂

    A girl has to have a little adventure in her life!

  74. I would love to win this prize!! My summer bucket is to read some good book and relax!!! Also to spend time with my family!!!!!!

  75. bucketlist
    I work summer school for diverse learners
    1. I would spend as much time I can with son’s and daughter.
    2. Get supplies for the new school year

  76. 2 things on my simmer bucket list:

    1. Visit family in West Virginia/Ohio

    2. Some alone time with my husband.

  77. Two things on my bucket list this summer is have FUN and RELAX!!!!!!
    Fun with my family and friends.
    Relax with my family and friends.

  78. My bucket list is long but my topic two items are:
    1) To go on a Disney trip with my family! My son’s first airplane ride (yikes!).
    2) Redo my small, ugly, downstairs bathroom! Wish me luck! 🙂

  79. My summer bucket list is to take my kids to the beach for the first time and visit family in Connecticut!

  80. My summer bucket list for 2015:
    1.) Visiting Folly Beach, SC with my kiddos
    2.) Celebrating my 8 year old sons diaversary,
    We are 1 year strong with Type 1 Diabetes!!
    We have decided to celebrate life not dwell on the negative!!!

  81. My summer bucket list:
    1. Set up my very first classroom!
    2. Take an impromptu weekend vacation somewhere I’ve never been

  82. Two things on my bucket list for the summer are:
    1. To visit my best friend in Seattle for the first time since he moved there five years ago.
    2. To read at least five classics, like Pride and Prejudice.

  83. 1. I want to declutter my house. I have collected so much stuff over the school year.
    2. I want to plant flower beds. I have never done it before and for some reason as I have got older I really want to grow flowers.

  84. I plan on gardening, organizing my basement, and getting ready for my new granddaughter. I hope she gets here before I have to go back to school.

  85. 1. Spend lots of time with my kids.
    2. Get ready for next year’s set of kiddos! A teacher’s work is never done!!!

  86. Summer Bucket List:
    1. Go to New York and Boston with my niece to visit my sister and brother-in-law
    2. Train and then run the Lambeau 5k with my cousins

  87. Two things on my summer bucket list:
    1. I want to become more organized and more structured, so I’ll be a more effective teacher with less stress for the new school year!
    2. I want to re-decorate my apartment; make it feel more cozy and inviting.

  88. Two things on my summer bucket list are to:
    -hike to the top of Breakneck Ridge
    -take a road trip to see my friend in West Virginia

    (Among all of the school stuff of course!)

  89. The two top things I want to do this summer, are to visit with my elderly daddy and to take a trip to the beach. One more week of school to go before the fun times begin!

  90. The two things on my bucket list are visiting my daughter’s college of choice and sleeping late as much as possible.

  91. My bucket list is:
    1. To pass my Cset test this summer.
    2. To move from a sub teacher to a full time teacher this coming school.
    I have more but these are my top two now.

  92. My summer to do list:
    1- reorganize my Teacher’s Helper Magazines from the last 14 years and sort pages according to subject/content and put them in a binder per subject.
    2- change classroom decor from “camping” theme to “candyland” where learning is sweet!

  93. Bucket list 2015
    Hike up to Max Patch on my visit to daughter in NC.
    Visit the Redwoods on my visit to daughter in CA

  94. 1. A full week where I get to take a nap every day
    2. Finally sorting through and organizing my closets & extra bedroom

  95. 1. Clean out my “teacher closet” so I can be completely organized for Fall.
    2. Realize that #1 is an impossible and unreachable goal and instead make homemade sangria and sit on my deck in the sun and re-read Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Lord of the Rings!

  96. My bucket list for this summer is to 1) visit family in Oklahoma and meet my nephew for the first time and 2) buy my first home!

  97. On my bucket list this summer is the safe delivery of my third grandson. He’s trying to come early, so his mom is on bed rest. I also plan to go to St. Augustine, Florida with my husband. Please visit my website and see our beautiful location.

  98. Two things on my bucket list:
    1) Get my classroom moved and still have some summer vacation left.
    2) Watch my daughter graduate college.

  99. #1 – Earn at least 40 CEUs this summer to keep my AACS certification current;
    #2 – Finish unfinished projects for my classroom and get prepped to teach a new grade next year (this includes SmartBoard activities & other presentations using Google Drive! Daunting time intensive but certainly worth the rewards resulting!

  100. Two more weeks of summer school and then I can enjoy summer..
    1. Trip to Florida
    2. Time with grandchildren.

  101. 2 things on summer bucket list:
    1. Find a beach with blue waters, sit on the beach, and get a suntan!!
    2. Write lesson plans for the new ELA curriculum!!

  102. 1. Go home to Panama for a destination wedding for my cousin!
    2. Successfully finish the 2 Master’s classes I am currently enrolled in. 3 more classes to go before I am officially done with my Master’s!

  103. 1. Go on an international missions trip
    2. Read, read, read
    3. Try to breathe and enjoy the 30 days off we have between last day of school and first day of school (balanced calendar)
    4. Go to the beach
    5. Get ready for my son’s senior year

  104. 1. Get my “baby” settled at college for freshman year 🙁
    2. Visit Pennsylvania with family and friends…first time ever going that far from home!

  105. Two things that are on my summer bucket list are visit new museums around our area and to go on a relaxing vacation.

  106. The first thing on my bucket list for this summer is to prepare my first classroom for the new school year. I am a new teacher, and have been blessed with my first job at an awesome school teaching Special Education.

    The second thing I want to do this summer is take our 8 month old son on his first family trip. Just me, him, and his daddy. It doesn’t have to be something extravagant, just something fun that he may enjoy.

    • We just did that….no diamonds. One of the workers said the best bet is to dig a little to find diamonds. We looked mostly on the surface rather than digging. Good luck.

  107. Hello Everyone : ) Summer is almost here and I for one cannot wait until it gets started. This is a cute give away idea; I’ve seen lots of new ideas to add to my bucket list : ) This summer my bucket list includes; doing some larger scale paintings with the neighbourhood kids (filled empty egg shells, as well as water balloons filled with paint), and witnessing my son have just one day as amazing wonderful and exhausting as I had when I was a child…Have an amazing summer everyone!

  108. Bucket List
    1. Read for enjoyment
    2. Organize and plan for next school year. (This includes organizing and planning for my daughter’s first year of college.)

  109. Two things on my summer bucket list:
    1. Encourage/compliment someone every day!
    2. Spend quality time with each of my kids before heading back to kiddos in the fall!
    Both are great stress reducers-I’ll be ready for school in fall!

  110. Two things on my summer bucket list:
    1. Create worksheets for “The Big Wave”
    2. Relax and create items to organize my classroom.

  111. My bucket list:
    1. Relax! I just finished my Masters degree and I have taken a ton of classes the last two summers so this summer is about time off!
    2. Catch up on some enjoyable reading which is my love!

  112. Two things on my summer bucket list are to take my son to the beach for the first time with his little friends and get caught up on reading the pile of books by my bed 🙂

  113. 2 items on my bucket list for summer are to go white water rafting and get my physics certification! Nerd alert!!

  114. 1. Attempt to relax 😉
    2. Get ready for the upcoming year. I really do enjoy using my time off to create new activities for my classroom & my co-workers’ classrooms. 🙂

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