Cool Book Swap

I ducked into a local school earlier this week, and the first thing I saw made me smile! Right there by the school office was a rolling cart of children’s books labeled “Take a Book; Leave a Book.” You’d need some book donations to get the idea rolling, but after that, I’m thinking this book-sharing opportunity would run itself. Pretty cool, don’t ya think?

Do the students at your school have opportunities to swap books? If they do, I’d love to hear about them!


4 thoughts on “Cool Book Swap

  1. Our PTSO sponsors one twice a year. Kids bring books into the classroom and are collected and then set up in the forum on the day of the swap. Classes come in as a group and kids pick out a new book/books to bring home. We like to have them before Winter Break and Summer Vacation. Kids can also buy books for a quarter then.

  2. What a wonderful idea! We do a Christmas book swap where everyone brings a wrapped, gently loved book. We read a Christmas story, and pass the book to the person on the right every time a certain word (like Christmas) is read. At the end of the story, everyone gets to unwrap and keep the book they are holding. I am also part of a moms’ group that regularly has book swap nights where we each bring in duplicates and preloved kids books. We pile them up on the table, and everyone gets to choose up to the number of books they brought. If there is extras left over, others have a chance to grab them, and what ever is left gets donated to a local charity.

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