Party Time!

Planning a party can be challenging—take this recent occurrence at my house. My husband and I decided to invite a couple over for dinner. (We’ll call them Couple #1.) Couple #1 went to school back in the day with another couple we’re friends with (Couple #2). So we decided to invite them as well. It…

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The Missing Wok

I’m currently pondering a mystery: Why, when you move from one home to another, do you inevitably lose items? I’m at the tail end of a move, and the current missing items include a wok, a box full of glitter, and a dust pan with an attached whisk broom. Is there some sort of Bermuda…

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A Masked Bandit

I accidentally left the garage door open last night. We keep our garbage can in the garage, and in addition to containing food refuse, it also held a painting tray with a smidgen of leftover paint. So the visitor to our garage certainly had some snacks but also left behind evidence. I’ve got to say,…

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An Odd Bird

Songbirds are declining in numbers due to a variety of issues, including loss of habitat, pollution, pesticides, and climate change. Other than avoiding pesticides, I decided one simple way to help is to keep a feeder with birdseed in my front yard. But as you can see, I’ve attracted a rather large, flightless bird. I…

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